Functions of Lymphatic System
The Defence System
The Almighty T-Cell
Blood Types
Immune System Disorders
The lymphatic vessels collect a fluid called..? What is this fluid made of?
The lymphatic vessels collect a fluid called Lymph, it is made up of interstitial fluid and collected Plasma
What is the bodies largest first line of defence?
The skin is the bodies LARGEST first line of defence
Where do T-Cells mature?
T-Cells mature in the Thymus
What is a blood transfusion?
A blood transfusion is the transfer of blood from one person into the blood of another
What are the two major types of allergic reactions?
Immediate(acute) and delayed
What are the two main functions of the Lymphatic system?
The two main functions of the lymphatic system are to return fluid back into the circulatory system and to fight infections
What is the difference between an antigen and an antibody?
An antibody is a protein that destroys foreign invaders. An antigen is a molecule found on the surface of the cell that provides identification
Name the four careers that T lymphocytes may pursue
T lymphocytes may turn into: 1.) Helper T-Cells 2.) Killer T-Cells 3.) Suppressor T-Cells 4.) Memory T-Cells
The selfish kid of the ABO crew goes by the street name of? Why is he considered selfish?
AB; It is considered selfish due to the fact it contains the AB antigens which conflict with every other blood type's antibodies
What is Rheumatoid arthritis characterized by?
Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by the inflammation of the lining of the joints
The lymph nodes are the birthplace of...
White blood cells called lymphocytes. Lymph nodes also contain macrophages.
What are the two specialized groups of lymphocytes?
The two specialized groups of lymphocytes are B-cells and T-cells
The T-Cell that will stab you right in the membrane if you agitate it is called the..?
The Killer T-Cell. It binds with infected cells and destroys them by puncturing their membrane
Rh is an abbreviation for what?
Rh is an abbreviation for rhesus monkey- Macaca mulatta- in which these antigens(Rh) were first discovered
What is an allergy?
An allergy is an exaggerated response by the immune system to a harmless material such as pollen, mould, or animal dander
The largest lymph vessels are in which to regions?
The abdominal region and the thoracic cavity
How do neutrophils and monocytes kill intruders?
Neutrophils and monocytes kill intruders through phagocytosis, a process in which they ingest the bacteria
What may Helper T-Cells be called?
Helper T-Cells may also be called T-4 Cells
What is Agglutination?
Agglutination is the clumping of red blood cells that occurs when incompatible blood types are mixed
Why does HIV result in a decline of the immune system?
HIV results in a decline of the immune system due to the infecting of white blood cells(Primarily T-cells) which play a key role in the immune system
Fluids that escape from the cardiovascular capillaries form part of the interstital fluid, through what is some of this fluid collected?
Lymphatic capillaries, where it is eventually returned to the blood
What is pus composed of?
Pus is composed of an accumulation of dead macrophages and bacteria
These T-Cells tattle tale on invaders and send a chemical signal that activates?
Macrophages, B-Cells, and other T-Cells
Brain damage, deafness or death of/in a newborn baby may be caused by what disease?
Hemolytic disease, which is caused by anti-RH antibodies crossing the placenta and destroying the child's red blood cells
Autoimmune disorder is caused by?
T cells or antibodies mistakenly attacking the body's own cells