Lymphatic System Overview: Functions, Careers, and Diseases
Nonspecific and Specific Body defenses
Lymphatic vessels/organs/tissues
The doctor specializing in the treatment of blood disorders
What is a hematologist
The body's response to invading microorganisms that involves a rise in body temperature
What is a fever
This organ cleans the blood of bacteria and viruses
What is the spleen
These are two of the most common blood cancers
What is leukemia and lymphoma
The specific body defenses involve the ________ system
What is the immune system
These are found on the walls of the small intestine and contain macrophages to destroy bacteria
What are peyer's patches
This infectious disease occurs when there is a loss of the body's cellular immunity and it lowers the ability to fight infections
What is HIV/AIDS
The nonspecific body defenses are the body's ______ and ______ lines of defense.
What is first and second
This lymphatic mass is responsible for the maturing of T cells
What is the thymus gland
The lymphatic system is responsible for taking in leaked plasma, which is called __________ once it enters the lymphatic system
What is lymph
The chemical substance on the skin and in the stomach lining that protects against bacterial growth
What is acid
These are found throughout the body (all along the lymphatic system) and contain lymphocytes to help remove foreign material
What are lymph nodes
One of the main primary functions of the lymphatic system is to move interstitial fluid back to what body system
What is the cardiovascular system
When the T cells divide they divide into these two types of cells.
What is the cytotoxic and helper T cells
Although T cells mature elsewhere, the B cells and T cells are both produced in this part of the body
What is the red bone marrow