The sister leaves behind white buttons.
What does the sister leaves behind?
Mr Dupin
what person had a strong connection to Edmund?
Boston 1809
When was Poe born?
Aunty, Sis, and Mum
What 3 want missing
Rhode island
Where does the book take place
He got struck from behind
What happened to Edmund at the dock?
Mr Peterson and Mr Rachett
Who took Edmund sister?
When did Poe die?
A white button
What item was left behind after the bank robbery?
November 1848
What year and month did the novel take place?
The boat had crashed into rocks
what had happened to the sunrise boat?
Mrs Whitman
Edgar Allan Poe joined the Army.
What did Poe end up doing after he could not get a Job?
This is what the note was translated to.
The peggy
What boat did Mr. Throck take to go find Sis?
Mr. Dupin found a mattress in the Mausoleum.
What was found in the mausoleum by Mr. Dupin?
Throck was a private investigator.
Who was a private investigator?
Mrs. Cemm
Who arranged the marriage between Poe and Virginia
Mr. Rachett
Who had attacked Mr. Dupin
"What have you done with my children!" (Avil 111).
what did the Woman say at the cemetery?
A portrait of Edmund's mother
What was found on the wall well Mr. Dupin was getting his portrait done?
Edmund's Sis was taken through a window.
Who was kidnapped through the window of a building?
Poe had broke his pledge to not drink
why did Mrs. Whitman call off the engagement
Mr. Rachett
Who attacked Edmund from behind
Mr. Arnold
Who was the man that ran away at the gathering at Mrs. Power's home?