Captains of Industry
New Challenges for Management
Development of Modern Management
Emphasis on Quality and Teamwork
Careers in Management
Became a captain of industry in the banking world.
Who is J.P. Morgan?
In 1890, Congress created this in order to make it illegal for companies to create monopolies.
What is the Sherman Act?
Assumes that people are basically lazy.
What is Theory X?
One important pioneer in using mathematics to solve problems of quality control was this man.
Who was W. Edwards Deming?
The different ways people process information are called ___________________.
What are learning styles?
At the age of 16, this man purchased a small vessel that sailed between Staten Island and New York, later becoming the leading steamboat owner in the state.
Who is Cornelius Vanderbilt?
He was the, "Father of Scientific Management," conducting time and motion studies.
Who is Frederick Winslow Taylor?
Companies that have a concentration of power among a few key decision makers.
What is centralization?
A system of management based on involving all employees in a constant process of improving quality and productivity by improving how they work.
What is Total Quality Management (TQM)?
This resume lists your work experience and education in reverse order.
What is a chronological resume?
Born a poor Scottish immigrant who worked as a bobbin boy in the textile factories and entered into the iron business at age 29.
Who is Andrew Carnegie?
The four laws of Scientific Management are:
What is find one best way; training should be scientific; principles explained to workers; and management and workers should be interdependent?
These managers impose strict rules and make sure all important decisions are made only by them, such as the U.S. Postal Service.
What are Theory X managers?
Deming's overall philosophy for achieving high quality is called ________________.
What is Deming's 14 Points?
These organizations include professional associations, environmental groups, special-interest organizations and art groups.
What are non-profit organizations?
Created his fortune in oil and was the reason Congress created anti-trust laws.
Who was John D. Rockefeller?
Name the study that in 1924, researchers conducted a series of experiments where they raised and lowered lighting in a Western Electric plant to see how it affected productivity
What is the Hawthorne Studies of Productivity?
Assumes that people find satisfaction in their work.
What is Theory Y?
In the 1980's William Ouchi developed this theory of management that emphasized long-term employment, participative decision-making,individual responsibility, slow evaluation and promotion, measures, and concern for the employee.
What is Theory Z?
This resume highlights your abilities and accomplishments rather than your work experience.
What is a functional resume?
Created his fortune in the tobacco industry.
Who is James B. Duke?
The five basic needs are physical needs, security needs, social needs, status needs, and self-fulfillment needs. Name what this is called:
What is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?
The process by which decisions are made by managers at various levels within the organization.
What is decentralization?
These managers emphasize collective decision-making and responsibility and a holistic concern for the employee as a person.
What are Japanese managers?
To find information about jobs in a given occupation, the U.S. governent publishes this source which gives information about salary, job prospects and training.
What is the Occupational Outlook Handbook?