This innovation gave birth to cities like Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse.
What is the Erie Canal?
Transportation technology that forever changed the individual's relationship to time.
What is the railroad?
In 1808 the US Government did this.
What is abolished the importation of new slaves to the United States?
By this definition of freedom, the US had a divinely appointed mission to occupy all of North America.
What is manifest destiny?
The early labor movement sought to outlaw men being imprisoned for this.
What is accruing debt? Discuss.
An innovation in overland transportation, these were created by states and private companies, often requiring a toll.
What is a turnpike?
A network affect where the added benefits of being part of the network make it difficult to live without it.
What is lock-in?
The reason thousands of slaves travelled in coffles from the east coast to the interior "deep" south.
What is the labor demand of the Cotton Kingdom?
This group insisted on the importance of individual judgement over existing social traditions and institutions. "Self-reliance."
Who are the transcendentalists? Discuss.
The suspicion of and hostility toward newcomers to the United States.
What is nativism?
Leo Marx describes the awe and sense of sublime that many experienced when they saw this innovation in motion.
What is a steamboat?
This system changed the nature of work forever, replacing artisanship with cheap, easily replaceable labor.
What is the factory system?
Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Oregon prohibited them from entering the territory altogether.
Who are free people of color? Discuss.
New ideas about individualism being connected with ownership of one's self rather than the necessity for the ownership of property led people to seek this.
What is the right to vote?
Religious revivals that grew the Methodists, Shakers, Mormons, among many others.
What is the Second Great Awakening? Discuss.
Called "Lightning Lines," this innovation forever changed the nature of communication.
What is the telegraph?
A cash economy, new access to wages, and the railroad contributed to the experience of this, often in the form of a weekend getaway.
What is leisure?
News of the Louisiana Purchase was not well received by this powerful and influential group in New Orleans, LA.
Who are the French creoles or free people of color?
This self-made man became a symbol in his lifetime of the right to compete for economic advancement as a condition of American freedom.
Who was John Jacob Astor?
This was a social engineering project to attempt to limit the social ills observed in places like Liverpool and Manchester.
What were the Lowell Mills? Explain.
Mass production of interchangeable parts that could be rapidly assembled into standardized finished products. The answer is not IKEA.
What is the American system of manufacturers?
The daily schedule at the Lowell Mills was regulated using these.
What are bells?
The reason why this jeopardy template keeps trying to autocorrect "Coffle" to "Coffee."
The language and history of the Slaves' Trail of Tears remains obscure in the historical record, and is only recently become a major focus for American historians seeking to document it.
This replaced "republican motherhood" as the primary "virtuous work" of women, limiting the roles they could play outside of the home.
What is the cult of domesticity? Discuss.
"American law increasingly supported the efforts of entrepreneurs to participate in the market revolution, while shielding them from... the less desirable results of economic growth" means this.
What is... discuss.