Introductory and Penitential Rites
Liturgy of the Eucharist
What's on the Altar?
Liturgy of the Word
Mixed Bag

I confess to Almighty ____

Who is God?


This is the name of the prayer that Jesus taught the apostles (and us) to pray.

What is the Our Father or Lord's Prayer.

This is the cup that holds the wine that becomes the Blood of Christ.
What is the chalice.

The Second Reading is from this part of the Bible.

What is the New Testament.

Another name for the person who reads the readings at Mass is this.
What is the lector.
What do we do when the priest enters the Church and walks to the altar?
What is stand.

This is the name of the long prayer the priest says during which the bread and wine become Christ's Body and Blood. 

What is the Eucharistic Prayer

This is the person who says the mass.
Who is the priest?
The First Reading is usually from this part of the Bible.
What is the Old Testament.

This is what we say at the Sign of Peace.

What by saying. "Peace be with You"


We acknowledge our sins and ask for forgiveness during the Penitential Act. (Fill in the blank)

I confess to Almighty God and to you, my ____ and ____.

Who are brothers and sisters?


While the priest breaks the bread, the people recognize Jesus as this animal of sacrifice, by saying it three times.

What is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.


What we call the piece of bread before it becomes Jesus.

What is the unconsecrated host.

This is what we call the time when the priest explains the readings to us.
What is the Homily.
The altar server rings a bell during the Eucharistic Prayer when this happens.
What is when the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ.

This is the name of the sign we bless ourselves with in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

What is the Sign of the Cross.


The part of the Mass where we say the Our Father, give the Sign of Peace and receive Communion is called the ______ Rite.

What is the Communion Rite

This is the name for the cross with Jesus' body that hangs over the altar.
What is the crucifix.
The reading where we hear a story from Jesus' life is called this.
What is the Gospel reading.
This is what we call the time when men come around with baskets and ask for our contributions to the parish and Church.
What is the Collection.
Sometimes, like during the Easter Season, the priest sprinkles us with this to remind us of our Baptism.
What is Holy Water.

We kneel in a period of silence to reflect on receiving God after this.

What is after Communion.


These are the helpers who are on the altar to help the priest.

Who are altar servers.

This is the prayer where we ask God for specific things for us, our community, and the world.
What is the Prayer of the Faithful?

The name for the days that we are obligated to go to Mass including Sunday and other feast days. 

What are Holy Days of Obligation.