Logical Fallacies
#1 Video Game
Conspiracy Theories

This is when someone claims there are only two options for a situation when in reality there are more.

What is a false dilemma


This is an objection when an attorney asks unrelated questions to the case at hand

What is Relevance


The most popular donut chain+ The diner where you can get the Grand Slam meal

What is Dunkin Denny's


Despite being the most sold video game of all time this video game had no year at #1

What is Minecraft

Some Conspiracy theorists believe that the Pyramids could not have been made by Egyptians and must have been made by these

What are Aliens


In this logical fallacy the person committing it misrepresents the other side of the argument to make it look weaker than it is

What is the Straw Man Fallacy


This objection is typically made when a testifying witnesses is asked to guess, estimate, or make assumptions about something

What is Speculation


This Roast Beef restaurant+This breakfast restaurant popular in the south and midwest which is open 24/7/365

What is Arby's House


In 2023 this Video Game about a popular movie franchise was the most sold of the year and the first Warner Bros. produced video game to be at #1

What is Hogwarts Legacy

Some conspiracy theories wear this on their head because they believe that it prevents either aliens or the government from reading their minds/mind controlling them.

What is a Tin (Aluminum) Foil Hat 


In this fallacy someone continues to do something because they have already spent time, money, or another resource on it

What is the Sunk Cost Fallacy


This is when an attorney asks a question that suggests the desired answer or puts words in the witness's mouth.

What is a leading question


This restaurant which invented sliders and was the first restaurant to sell over 1 billion burgers+ This expense burger restaurant which cooks its fries in peanut oil

What is White Guys


This video game franchise has the most #1's at 12 total games being the most sold game that year

What is Call of Duty


Flat Earther's believe that this surrounds the edge of the flat Earth.

What is an Ice Wall


is the belief that, if an event has occurred less frequently than expected, it is more likely to happen again in the future.

What is the Gamblers Fallacy


This is an objection to when a witness presents evidence that relies on secondhand information

What is Heresay


This Restaurant commonly found in malls which has the most locations for a baked goods restaurant+ this restaurant which is the home of the baconator

What is Auntie Wendy's


So far this video game is the best selling video game of 2024 with its first new game since 2013

What is NCAA 25 or College Football


Instead of being cremated some Conspiracy Theorists believe this is what was done with Walt Disney's body

What is it was cryogenically frozen


This is when someone argues that a certain action is right because it is the popular thing to do

What is the Bandwagon Fallacy


This is an objection that takes place when an attorney asks a question and witness answers are not direct. 

What is Non-Responsive


This restaurant which has the most menu items for a United States restaurant at 250 choices+This restaurant that often has gift shops which is mostly in the south east

What is The Cheesecake Barrel


This is one of two Video Games since 1980 to be the best selling game of the year twice

What is Space Invaders or Donkey Kong Country

Alex Jones a Radio Talk Show host was ordered to pay $1.5 billion dollars for spreading this Conspiracy Theory

What is the Sandy Hook Massacre was fake (false flags) (bad actors)