Crossing the Threshold
The Red or the Blue Pill
12 Stages of the Hero's Journey
Down the Rabbit Hole

At the beginning of the film, Neo works in an office by day, and has this job by night

what is a hacker


Neo receives a call from Morpheus at this location. He follows his directions at first but is ultimately apprehended by the agents. 

what is his office


Upon taking the red pill, Neo wakes up to an alternate reality in which humans are farmed and treated as this

what is a battery/power source


What follows Neo swallowing the red pill represents this stage of the hero's journey

crossing the threshold


This is the name of the woman who they seek out to learn if Neo is "The One"

who is the oracle


He (Neo) isn't exactly sure what it is, but he is looking for this.

what is the matrix


The moment Neo refuses to go forward with Morpheus's instructions in his office building most closely represents this stage of the hero's journey

what is refusal of the call


This is what happens to you if you are killed in the matrix

what is you die


Neo's initial encounter with Morpheus represents this stage

what is meeting the mentor


The oracle says Neo doesn't have to apologize for doing this when he comes into the kitchen

what is knocking over the vase. 


In order to eliminate the machines' primary power source, mankind destroyed this

what is the sun


Upon capturing Neo, the agents put this inside of him to track his whereabouts

what is a electronic bug/monitoring device


This is the name of the last existing human city

what is Zion


The final confrontation with the three agents represents this stage

what is the ordeal


This is what the oracle tells Neo about what will happen with him and Morpheus in the future

what is that he will have to make a decision between his own life and Morpheus'

Neo had heard of this famous hacker, but he assumed she was a he

who is Trinity


This character says "What good is a phone call if you are unable to speak?"

what is Agent Smith


This is the advice (four words) the little kid in the oracle's waiting room gives Neo

what is there is no spoon


At the very end of the film, Neo has realized his full potential and is back in the "ordinary world," representing this stage. 

What is "return with the elixir"


Trinity knows Neo is the one because of this 

what is the fact that she loves him


After Trinity barely escaped being captured in the beginning, the agents are still positive because they have established that this is real

what is the informant/double-agent


In the very beginning of the film, Neo is encouraged to follow this to learn more about the matrix. 


This character says "You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss"

who is Cypher


In this moment, it seems as though all is lost. Neo has seemingly been killed and the machines are close to finding/killing Morpheus and Trinity. However, Neo miraculously recovers, representing this stage. 

What is the resurrection.


Towards the end of the film, Agent Smith is discussing the nature of man with Morpheus. He compares mankind to this.

What is a virus