The Mayan Haab' calendar system consists of 18 months of 20 days, with one extra month called Wayeb. This cycle lasted for how many days?
What is 365 days?
Where was the famous Mayan codex Madrid discovered?
where is Madrid,Spain
These woven goods were considered valuable enough to serve as a form of currency in Mayan society.
What are cotton textiles?
Kʼinich Kʼan Joy Chitam II was known as something else, what was he known as?
Kan Xul II or Kʼan Hokʼ Chitam On II
What instrument was commonly used during ceremony’s
what are drums?
who was the Mayan god of the sun?
Who is Kinich Ahua?
What is the name of the Mayan artifact found at Copan with detailed hieroglyphs
What is the Rosalia Stela
The Maya traded this valuable green stone, which was used to make jewelry, masks, and other ceremonial objects, with neighboring cultures.
what is jade?
what does ajaw mean?
what is lord?
What did Mayans make for the rain?
what is a Cistern?
This Mayan god, often represented as a feathered serpent, was considered the god of wind, rain, and storms.
Who is Kukulkan?
Which Mayan city is famous for its Temple of inscriptions
what is Palenque?
These beans, used by the Maya as a form of currency, were also consumed as a rich, frothy drink during rituals.
what is cacao beans?
This famous Mayan ruler is known for building the Temple of the Inscriptions at Palenque.
Who is Pakal the Great?
What type of Mayan artwork often depicted rulers and gods
what are murals
This god of the sun and war, depicted with a jaguar head, was one of the most important gods for the Maya.
Who is Kinich Ahau?
What tool did mayans use for writing on stone
What is Stelae
This crop, which the Maya considered sacred, was not only their primary food source but also symbolized life and nourishment.
What is maize?(corn)
This ruler of the Mayan city-state of Caracol was known for defeating Tikal in battle.
Who is Lord Water?
The Mayan instrument is similar to the modern maraca?
What is a Chirrion?
This god, known as the K'uhul Ajaw, was the supreme ruler of the heavens, overseeing the cosmos and creation.
Who is Itzamná?
El Castillo, which aligns with this feathered serpent god during the spring and fall equinoxes, creating the illusion of a snake slithering down the steps when was this made?
what is 9th to 12th centuries CE?
This essential mineral, crucial for food preservation, was traded across Mesoamerica and sometimes used as currency.
what is salt?
Who was the last ruler of the Mayan city of Copan?
Who is yax pasaj chan yopaat?
This ancient Mayan writing system, made up of symbols used for everything from royal inscriptions to sacred texts.
What is Mayan hieroglyphics?