The Medicine Bag: Characters and Plot
The Medicine Bag: Themes and Symbols
The Apache Girl’s Rite of Passage: Ceremony and Significance
Cultural Comparisons
Vocabulary and Grammar

This is the name of the narrator in "The Medicine Bag."

Who is Martin?


The medicine bag is a symbol of this.

What is cultural heritage and family tradition?


The Apache girl’s rite of passage is called this.

What is the Sunrise Ceremony?


The Medicine Bag" and the Apache Girl’s Rite of Passage highlight this cultural value.


- Answer: What is the importance of tradition?


The word "sheepishly" is used in "The Medicine Bag" to describe this type of emotion.


 - Answer: What is embarrassment or shyness?


Martin feels this emotion when his grandfather arrives unexpectedly.


What is embarrassment?


 Martin’s feelings towards his cultural heritage change from this to this by the end of the story.

What is from embarrassment to pride?


The ceremony marks this important life transition for the Apache girl.

   - Answer: What is the transition from girlhood to womanhood?


Martin’s receiving of the medicine bag is similar to the Apache girl’s rite in that both symbolize this.


- Answer: What is the passage to a new stage of life?


Identify whether this sentence is in active or passive voice: "The medicine bag was given to Martin by Grandpa."


  - Answer: What is passive voice?


The reason Grandpa makes the long journey to visit Martin.

What is to pass on the medicine bag before he dies?


Grandpa tells Martin to do this family tradition

What is the next male child must receive the medicine bag?


During the ceremony, the Apache girl receives this, symbolizing her new status.


  - Answer: What is a crown or headdress?


This is how both stories emphasize the role of elders in passing down traditions.


  - Answer: What is through guidance and the handing down of significant cultural items?


 Revise this passive sentence to active: "A new crown is worn by the Apache girl during her ceremony."

   - Answer: What is "The Apache girl wears a new crown during her ceremony"?


This item is given to Martin and symbolizes the continuation of family traditions.

What is the medicine bag?


The medicine bag contains these two significant items.


What are a piece of iron from a vision quest and a pebble from the butte?


This spiritual aspect is central to the Sunrise Ceremony, involving blessings and guidance from the community.


 - Answer: What is the role of the medicine woman or spiritual leaders?


The importance of ceremonial items like the medicine bag and the headdress in cultural identity is a key similarity. These items represent this.


  - Answer: What is the connection between generations?


The word "rite" in the phrase "rite of passage" refers to this.

   - Answer: What is a ceremonial act or procedure?


Grandpa’s physical condition upon arriving at Martin's home.


 What is exhausted from heat and travel?


This theme is evident when Martin’s friends are impressed by Grandpa.

 What is the theme of respect and admiration for cultural identity?


The duration of the Apache girl’s rite of passage ceremony.

   - Answer: What is four days?


 The main difference between Martin's experience and the Apache girl's rite of passage.

   - Answer: What is the level of community involvement and public ceremony?


 Identify the subject and verb in this sentence from "The Medicine Bag": "Martin accepted the medicine bag from his grandfather."

   - Answer: What is "Martin" is the subject and "accepted" is the verb?