
Nobility who rules large areas of land. Landowner - one step below the King in the Feudalism social pyramid.

What is a lord?
These were also know as the Crusades.
What were the holy wars?

It was the organizing principle of rural economy that originated in the Roman villa system of the Late Roman Empire, and was widely practiced in medieval western and parts of central Europe.

What was Manorialism?


During the high Middle Ages, this became organized into an elaborate hierarchy with the pope as the head in western Europe.

What is the Roman Catholic Church?

The name for a terrible disease that spread throughout Europe from 1347 to 1350. There was no cure for the disease and it was highly contagious. The plague likely started in Asia and traveled westward along the Silk Road. The disease was carried by fleas that lived on rats.

What is Black Death?

An agricultural worker bound under the feudal system to a lord to work on his lord's estate for life. He could not own property and needed permission to marry. He did have some rights including he could ne be displaced if the manor changed hands, was not required to fight and was entitled protection of the lord.  

What is a serf?

This was the King's crusade - Richard the Lionheart vs. Saladin - Results: were mixed, crusaders gain more territory, Jerusalem remains under Muslim control, Muslims allow trade and Christian pilgrimages into Holy Land 

What was the 3rd Crusade?

A social, political and economic order. It was based on landownership and loyalty. The KING was at the top and gave Nobles (LORDS) land and they promised to be loyal to him and to have their military fight for him. Their military included Knights. The Peasants or Serfs then worked the land and took care of the sheep and other animals and received housing and protection. The Serfs could not leave but were not considered slaves .

What is Feudalism?

He read Emperor Alexius Comnenus I's appeal asking for help against the Muslim Turks and shortly after issued the first "holy war" (crusade) to gain control of the holy land

Who is Pope Urban II?
Associations or groups of craftsmen. Each one focused on a specific trade such as the candlemaker's or the tanner's.
What were guilds?
The poor people of the village. They had poor living conditions, sparse furnishing, dirt floors, which they shared with the livestock. They had a limited diet.
What is a peasant?

1095-1099: Byzantine emperor asks for help against Muslim Turks who were trying to conquer his capital, Constantinople - Results: Christian victory, capture of Jerusalem in 1099, kingdom of Jerusalem established, won narrow strip of land from Edessa - Jerusalem and four feudal states were carved from land .

What was the 1st Crusade?

An act of religious censure used to deprive, suspend, or limit membership in a religious community or to restrict certain rights within it, in particular receiving of the sacraments.

What is excommunication?

This is a senior leader, considered a Prince of the Church, and usually an ordained bishop of the Roman Catholic Church.

What is a Cardinal?

The money economy was based on this system.

What was manorialism?

1095-1099 : Byzantine emperor asks for help against Muslim Turks who were trying to conquer his capital, Constantinople

What was the 2nd Crusade?

A country's legislative (law-making) body. Edward summoned two burgesses and two knights from each county to serve as this country's law making body over the next century, the king called the knights and burgesses whenever a new tax was needed. The two groups eventually formed an assembly called House of Commons, nobles and bishops met seperately at House of Lords - it became strong and provided a check on royal power and gave people representation in the government

What is Parliament?

This was a major political institution in Europe that lasted from the ninth to the nineteenth centuries. It was loosely organized and modeled somewhat on the ancient Roman Empire. It included great amounts of territory in the central and western parts of Europe. Charlemagne was its first emperor.

What was the Holy Roman Empire?

The Crusades were a large factor in the expansion of this during the Middle Ages. - These ____ routes between Europe and the East reopened and many markets were opened around Europe that brought merchants from different countries .

What is expansion of trade?

He was King of England from 1189-1199 - Known as ___ the Lionheart or “Coeur de Lion” - He was captured in Austria in 1192 and held prisoner by the Holy Roman Emperor until 1194 when he was ransomed by England .

Who is Richard I?
These were the affects of the Crusades.

They increased the authority of the king. Kings passed taxes to pay for the crusades. To pay this tax some nobles had to sell some of their land. Without as much land, nobles did not need as many serfs. As for the peasants, they were free to leave. With all this influx of land and money paid to them, the Kings grew to have great power.

Europeans learned new things from the Muslims including different ways to build and sail ships and how to make and use magnetic compasses. Europeans were introduced to new trade goods such as silk, cotton, different spices, and new forms of art and literature. It increased the desire for trade with other parts of the world. This lead to the rise of the merchant class and the end of serfdom.


The document was a series of written promises between the king and his subjects that the king, would govern England and deal with its people according to the customs of feudal law. It was an attempt by the barons to stop a king from abusing his power with the people of England suffering. It guarenteed certain political rights , it sageguarded nobles feudal rights, limited the king's powers , guarenteed rights that included no taxation without representation, a jury trial, and the protection of the law to all citizens .

What is the Magna Carta?

This was a time where the Catholic Church  suppressed heresy from around 1184.  It was where  priests had to find and punish anyone who was against the church or working with the devil. Any action or speech against the church was called heresy. The ____ was tasked with stamping out heresy. They  could place people under arrest and question them using torture to get them to confess to heresy. If you confessed right away before torture, you would be punished but you could be redeemed. If you didn't confess, you could be tortured until you did confess. It started out as a way to fight against evil, but very quickly became another tool to control people.

What was the Inquisition?

He was respected by people and respected Richard even though they were fighting each other - Richard the Lionheart and him agreed to a truce: Jerusalem remained under Muslim control and in return he promised that unarmed Christian pilgrims could freely visit city's holy places .

Who was Saladin?