
Which term describes the Sahara Desert’s climate as being hot and dry?

  1. Arid

  2. Semi-Arid

  3. Bleak

  4. Fair

1. Arid


Oil is an important resource for some countries in the Middle East. Oil is an example of a ----

  1. Perpetual Renewable resource

  2. Intermediate renewable resource

  3. Environmental resource

  4. Non-renewable resource

D. Non-Renewable Resource


What does OPEC stand for?

  1. Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

  2. Organization of Pacific Eastern Countries

  3. Operation of Pioneering Exporting Countries

  4. None of the above

A. Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries


Which statement describes the Saharan Desert plateaus?

  1. Flat land with few trees

  2. Rolling hills and mountains

  3. Flat plains and raised land

  4. None of the above

3. Flat plains and raised land


Water is a valuable resource, but for some countries in the Middle East it is in low supply. This is an example of ____

  1. Scarcity

  2. Abundance

  3. Sufficient

  4. Overage

A. Scarcity


Which statement reflects the goal of OPEC?

  1. To form trade agreements with the United States

  2. To control the price of oil

  3. To import a large supply of oil to Middle eastern countries

  4. To create policies for member countries to follow

B. To control the price of oil


Most people live near water found in the Sahara Desert and use it to grow crops. This is an example of-

  1. Adaptation

  2. Modification

  3. Adjustment

  4. Transform

1. Adaptation


Which statement defines natural gas?

  1. An energy source that forms at the surface of Earth

  2. A fossil energy source that forms deep beneath the earth’s surface

  3. A natural resource found on the ocean floor

  4. None of the above

2. A fossil energy source that forms deep beneath the earth's surface


OPEC ships oil to countries that consumes it. This is an example of

  1. Importing

  2. Trading

  3. Shipping

  4. Exporting

D. Exporting


The largest hot desert in the world is the

  1. Arabian Desert

  2. Sahara Desert

  3. Mojave Desert

  4. Atacama Desert

2. Sahara Desert


Which statement defines interdependence?

  1. When countries have all the resources they need 

  2. When people have the choice to spend their money on resources they need

  3. When countries depend on each other for necessary resources

  4. All of the above

C. When countries depend on each other for necessary resources


Which statement below most accurately describes the impact of oil on economies in the Middle East?

  1. Most countries in the region have benefited from the oil industry, although oil-producing countries have benefitted more

  2. Only oil-producing countries have benefitted from the oil industry; non oil-producing countries rely on other industries

  3. All countries in the region are dependent on oil as their primary economic industry

  4. The largest countries in the region are less dependent on the oil industry than the smaller countries are

C. All countries in the region are dependent on oil as their primary economic industry


Mesopotamia was home to the first known human civilizations. What features made this area an attractive place for people to settle? (Choose 3)

  1. The area was bordered by the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

  2. The soil was naturally fertile

  3. There was an abundance of naturally edible wild plants

  4. The abundance of desert plateaus

1 & 2 & 3


A nomadic lifestyle is an adaptation because-

  1. People adjust to their environment by settling in a place that has enough resources to survive on

  2. People adjust to their environment by moving from place to place based on the availability of resources

  3. People adjust to their environment by building the infrastructure necessary to support their population

  4. People adjust to their environment by growing and storing extra food when it is warm so they can survive when it gets cold

B. People adjust to their environment by moving from place to place based on the availability of resources


Which statement is an objective of OPEC?

  1. To increase the amount of natural gas industries

  2. To be the top selling oil producers in the world

  3. To provide regular and efficient supply of oil to consuming countries

  4. To encourage other oil producing countries to join their organization

3. To provide regular and efficient supply of oil to consuming countries