Land and Climate
Resources and Economy
People and History
States and Capitals
What is the longest river in the Midwest?
The Mississippi
Name a popular crop of the Midwest.
corn, wheat, soybeans, hay, fruit, vegetable
Who were the first people to settle in the Midwest?
Native Americans
Which Midwestern state was featured in the Wizard of Oz?
What are the 2 major regions of the Midwest?
Great Lakes States and Great Plains states
Besides for drinking, tell 3 other things that the natural resource of water is used for.
transportation, irrigation, water power, fishing, etc.
Name 2 types of homes made by the earliest people in the Midwest.
teepees, wooden homes
Which state is split in 2 by the Great Lakes?
Tell 2 things that describe the climate of the Midwest.
It's very hot in the summer. It's very cold in the winter. There are many severe storms, like tornadoes and blizzards. The Great Lakes affect the climate in the neighboring states
Many Midwestern factories make things from steel. From what mineral is steel made? Also, name one thing made from steel.
Steel is made from iron. Steel is used to make cars, boats, planes, bridges, buildings, etc.
The USA bought much of the land of the Midwest from the French in 1803. What was this event called?
The Louisiana Purchase
What direction would you have to travel to from Michigan to Kansas?
Name the 5 Great Lakes.
Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, and Lake Superior
Name 3 popular jobs in the Midwest.
farming, mining, manufacturing (inc. autos), transportation, banking, health services, communications
What were the names of the 2 explorers who led an expedition to explore the Midwest in the early 1800's?
Lewis and Clark
Name 4 Midwestern states and tell their capitals.
Name the 6 Midwestern states that actually touch the Great Lakes.
Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio
What are supply and demand, and how do they influence prices?
Supply - how much of a product is made. Demand - how much of a product people will buy at certain prices. An example of supply and demand affecting prices: Big demand and low supply = high prices. Also, high supply and low demand= lower prices.
Many factories developed in the Midwest, using a technique to make goods quickly and cheaply. What was this technique? Explain the way it worked.
Factories used "assembly lines." They worked by having each worker do only one part of a job and then passing the product on to the next worker, who did one different part of the job, and so on, until the product was complete.
Name the 6 states of the Great Plains.
North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa