House Rules
What should you do?

Who do you go to for support, like when you are frustrated or if you're nervous for a meeting?

Peer Support, Laura or Ashley


When are chores supposed to be done by?

End of the day, no exceptions


What month celebrates National Recovery Month?

September! We have fun things planned.


How many meetings a week are due?



A client has been keeping to themselves more, sleeping a lot, and generally has been really negative.

Ask them if they are okay, and if something's going on. Share how their behaviors might affect you, and encourage them to seek support.


Who do you go to when you're having a hard time and need to process through some triggers or situations and gain some skills?

Primary Counselor, Bri 


What are the rules relating to leaving the building and WHY?

During orientation phase, ONLY with a senior peer. Outside of that, only for 45 minutes at a time, and limited to a few times a day. This is to ensure we are focusing on our recovery work during the day, participating in services, and preventing easy access to substances so we don't harm anyone's recovery


True/False: TMHC gets paid when you live with us

FALSE! Insurance does not cover a dime relating to housing.

Why do we have you complete a schedule?

To help you occupy your time (boredom is a trigger), keep you accountable to appointments/scheduled things you have, and show you the life skill of planning ahead

A client is struggling to stay awake in group

Talk with the client! Nudge them, and maybe ask them what's going on before assuming negative, and then share how it makes you feel. If it keeps happening, let staff know.


Who do you go to when you need to figure out how to get your social security card, insurance benefits, or find affordable housing?

The case manager, Haylie or (soon) Adrian


Medications get stored where and WHY?

Your individual or staff med locker, so we can ensure everyone's taking medication correctly to aid in your and others recovery environment continuing to be safe


If you do your part, the program should only last how long from start to finish?

6 months


When are pass requests due and HOW are they due?

24 hours in advance or on Thursdays. No exceptions, must be on paper. You can text a picture of the pass request, but we also need the physical paper.


A client wanders off during a NA meeting and you see them talking with a known drug dealer.

Alert staff immediately, and try and help remove the client from that situation (IF IT'S SAFE TO)


Who do you go to when you have a housing issue, like rent payments or someone's not doing their chores?

Housing Coordinator, Logan


Who is responsible for making sure that you are on time and make your appointments, and how many misses are you allowed before consequences?

YOU. We can help, but it is your responsibility. Bri or Haylie should not have to chase you down for an appointment. We're trying to teach you personal responsibility. & Typically 2-3


Name 3 signs of an overdose

 Small and constricted “pinpoint pupils”,  Falling asleep or loss of consciousness, Slow and shallow breathing, Choking or gurgling sounds, Limp body, Pale, blue, or cold skin. 


When are transportation requests due, and are they guaranteed?

No they are not guaranteed, and they are due Thursdays or 48 hours in advance.


You see a client take medication with them to their room, knowing they are supposed to keep them in a locker.

Say something in private to the client first, then tell staff. (We have ways of making things sound as if you are not telling on someone so it stays anonymous)


Who do you go to when you feel your client rights have been violated or something unethical happens?

Anyone in administration (Jessica, Erica, Jody, or Emily)


Why is it in the house rules that TMHC will store ALL your checks/money in a locked safe?

To ensure you are budgeting your money well, can remain accountable to your goals, and can eventually save up a sizeable amount of money


What are some things that might land you on a re-engagement contract?

Improper use of medications, staff splitting, any violation of house or program rules, etc.


List all the forms you complete/turn in with Logan on Thursdays

Schedule, pass request, phase request, transportation request, and meeting sheet


You feel like your counselor is being rather rude to you.

Talk with them privately, and share your feelings. Allow them to share their feelings as well. Problem solve as a team the best way to work together. If it continues, let Emily know.