How do you get the achivement: "Ice bucket challenge"
Get obsidian
What is the most commonly seen block?
What do you need to make a diamond pickaxe?
2 sticks and 3 diamonds
What is in the stronghold?
The end portal
What is the main character of minecraft's name
How do you get the achivement: "Serious dedication"
Get a netherite hoe
What block is the most common?
What do you need to make a eye of ender?
Blaze powder and a ender pearl
What is in a nether fortress?
A blaze spawner
What language do enderman speak backwards?
English, duh!
How do you get the achivement: "A balanced diet"
Eat all edible foods
What is the most common ore?
What do you need for a enchanting table?
4 obsidian, 2 diamonds, and a book.
What is in a mineshaft?
A cave spider spawner
When notch was making the pig, what other mob did he accidentally make?
The creeper.
How do you get the achivement: "How did we get here?"
Have every effect at once
What is the rarest ore?
Deepslate emerald ore
What do you need for a end crystal?
7 glass, a ghast tear, and a eye of ender.
What mob is in end city's?
What was minecraft's OG name?
Cave game
How do you get the achivement: "Hidden in the depths"
Get ancient debris
What is the most important ore?
What do you need for a cake?
3 buckets of milk, 3 wheat, 2 sugar, and 1 egg.
Name 3 different farms that can spawn in a village
(Carrot, wheat, potato, beetroot, melons, pumpkins.)
What is the name of the group of the 5 hero's in Minecraft: Story mode.
The order of the stone