This Bible Study aid was first announced during the 2020 Annual Meeting.
Enjoy Life Forever
On Tuesday, March 21, 2017, the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses invited the worldwide brotherhood to write letters of appeal to governmental authorities in this country.
Jesus walked on this sea.
Sea of Galilee
What can you say if someone says, "I'm not interested."?
Maybe ask what it is that they aren't interested in. Acknowledge their response. Anything that makes sense will work.
This year marked 100 years of Kingdom rule.
Do you want to become an "adequately qualified" minister of God? Join this meeting, formerly called the Theocratic Ministry School.
Life and Ministry Meeting
Watch how long your letters are. Experts say people lack this fruitage of the spirit more than ever before.
Ezekiel referred to this sea as the Great Sea, which separates Europe from Africa.
Mediterranean Sea
What can you say if someone says, "I have my own religion."?
It's nice to see someone who shares a spiritual interest. You got this.
In July 1879, the first issue of this Watch Tower made its appearance.
Zion's Watch Tower
This book with nearly 300 million printed copies is called the "Gold Nugget" by some.
What Does the Bible Really Teach?
If you want to mail a letter, you'll probably need some of these, first invented in 1837 by Sir Rowland Hill.
With the Mediterranean being the "western sea", this sea was commonly called the "eastern sea".
Dead Sea
What can you say if someone says, "We have no money."?
We're not soliciting funds. We're interested in people, not their money.
Providing encouragement and spiritual refreshment to countless viewers around the world, JW Broadcasting was first launched in this year.
A good study routine involves not only reading, but this practice - something the psalmist did while he was awake in bed during the night.
When writing a letter you may include a greeting, which may also be referred to as this.
In Genesis 1:10, God calls "the collecting of the waters," Seas, but God gave the dry land this name.
What can you say if someone says, "I'm a Buddhist."
Emphasize that you are no part of Christendom. Present positive Bible messages.
Jesus commanded his angels: "Go to gathering the wheat into my storehouse." That first began this year, just a few years after he began ruling in heaven.
This school shares the name of this region - the fertile area east of the Jordan River that extended north and south of the Valley of Jabbok.
Gilead School
During the 2020 fiscal year, the United States Postal Service delivered this many pieces of mail. We'll accept a number within 25 billion.
143 billion
In Revelation 4:6, John referred to this sea, which represents the thorough cleansing by God's Word, as being "like crystal".
Glassy sea
What can you say if someone says, "I'm a Jew."?
Establish a common ground. Point out that we don't believe in a Trinity and worship the God of Abraham.
The 2021 Bible reading schedule presented in the Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook ends in this book of the Bible, where you can learn all about one very strong man.