Asking questions about why the contact decided to connect on a chat
Establishing Rapport
Name this common counselor flaw:
Contact: I dont know,, things have jst been super hard lately
Counselor: It sounds like things have been super hard lately, and that you are unsure how to feel...
What is this prompt called?
"Hi, welcome to 988Lifeline, my name is NAME. What's going on?"
Means: Knife (accessible, present)
Attempt today?: No
Timeframe: Tomorrow morning
I just don't know what to do or where to go.
The stage in the Support Model where you further explore a contact's presenting issue and how much it has been emotionally impacting them
Gathering Information
Name this type of empathy in a chat:
Contact: Things are just really hard now. Im not sure how im feeling, all I know is that I hav no idea where I'm going or wat I'm doin
Counselor: It sounds like you are feeling rather lost, and it's understandable to feel that way with everything you mentioned going on. A lot of folks feel similar, and you are not alone.
The information obtained before the RA begins is called what?
Demographic Information
Means: Gun (not accessible or present)
Attempt today?: Yes (1 hour ago, ingested 20 Oxytocin)
Timeframe: Not sure
In-Progress (notify Sup immediately)
What stage of the Support Model would you ask this open-ended question:
"When you say you’re _____, what does that mean to you?"
Gathering Information
What is it called when you go over the main points of the chat, restate the safety plan, and ask the youth how they are feeling after chatting for a while?
Wrapping Up/Summarizing
Needing permission from contact before giving this
Means: Pills (accessible, present but was able to reduce access by having them put it out of sight)
Attempt today?: Yes (took 4 Ibuprofen 7 hours ago)
Timeframe: Not sure
Medium Risk
I'm just so stressed out and everything is too much to deal with
Name the 5 stages of the Support Model
*Bonus 50 points: another possible section for specific risk levels*
Establishing Rapport
Risk Assessment
Gathering Information
Exploring Alternatives
Bonus: Risk Reassessment
Name the empathy style:
Counselor: I appreciate you for your openness, and recognize how hard things are for you. It sounds like you are needing some space from your friends to better understand what's going on, and that's okay.
When should you flag your Sup according to the 988 handbook?
When a Contact scales at High or Imminent Risk
When a Contact discloses an in-progress suicide attempt, in-progress abuse, or any other imminent threat to their safety
When a callback or immediate outgoing call might be necessary
When an Intervention might be necessary
When a Contact discloses Abuse
When a Contact discloses Violent Intent
Means: Salt Water (accessible, present, not willing to reduce access to means nor let you know if they want to ingest the Salt Water)
Attempt today?: Yes (ingested a glass of salt water 2 hours ago, and contemplating making another glass but with more salt)
Timeframe: When everyone goes to bed
They just made me feel worthless and beneath them
When and to whom to give Abuse Disclosure to?
HR or below contacts and after the RA is complete
Name the common flaw(s) in this Counselor and Contact interaction:
Contact: I just dont wanna be here no more. I'm finished, ima do it
Counselor: It sounds like you don't want to be here. Why are you feeling that way?
Asking why question
When you begin speaking about your own personal experiences with a contact
Means: Anything accessible (was unable to reduce access to means due to not having clear idea of what means are)
Attempt today?: No
Timeframe: No timeframe, just feeling overwhelmed
Low Risk
I just feel like she threw me to the curb and left me there, helpless