Show me the $$!
Making the Grade
Stressed Out
Major Pains
Get me Outta Here!
Do you want free money? Then you would fill out this application online.
What is a FAFSA or Free Application for Student Aid?
The grade point value of an 'A' is equivalent to this many points.
What is 4?
If you're feeling really stressed, then you should seek personal counseling either in the Health Center or here.
What is the Counseling Center?
Confused about your major? Want more information about certain careers? Then visit this center to obtain your career answers.
What is the Career Center?
Have questions about transferring? Want to meet with university representatives? Then go to this center.
What is the Transfer Center?
If eligible, this could waiver all of your tuition fees.
What is the BOG or Board Of Governors Fee Waiver?
This program offers students an approach to success, particularly for those who have had difficulty in previous math courses.
What is MAPS or Math Achievement Pathway to Success?
Getting one of these from a Counselor will help alleviate some stress you may have during registration periods. It outlines what classes you should take each semester.
What is an educational plan?
If you're undecided about your major then you should take Careers and Lifestyles which is taught through this department.
What is Counseling?
If you plan to transfer, then this website will provide you with a list of courses that are equivalent from Mission College to all 4-year public universities in California.
What is
This application is available each Spring Semester. Eligibility may vary based on fields of study, community and/or college involvement, and /or financial need. All continuing Mission College students and new students, including graduating high school students, may apply.
What is the Mission College Scholarship Application?
This center offers tutoring for all courses except those offered by the Math Department. (Math tutoring is in the Math Lab, S2-301).
What is the Tutorial Center?
Last semester a stress management workshop was offered through this center. This center also offers: Information and linkage to Student Support Services, Campus Tours, Student retention and networking activities, and information about Financial Aid & Scholarships.
What is the Welcome Center?
This program specializes in assisting students who are majoring in Math, Engineering and Sciences.
What is MESA or Math, Engineering, Science Achievement Program?
This is the number of units required to graduate with an Associates Degree. It is also the minimum number of units required for transfer.
What is 60?
A federally funded program that helps pay the wages for qualified students in on- and off-campus part-time jobs.
What is Federal Work Study?
The Placement test, which is taken in this center, ensures that you will enroll in the appropriate level of Reading, English and Math.
What is the Assessment Center?
Chronic long term stress suppresses the immune system making one more susceptible to flu strains. To prevent the flu, a student can get a FREE flu and/or H1N1 shot here.
What is the Health Center?
Want to start a club associated with your major? Then go to this office to obtain an application.
What is ASB or Associated Student Body?
In addition to a number of services including book service and emergency loans, this program also provides university transfer assistance.
What is EOP&S or Educational Opportunity Programs and Services.
A state funded award for living expenses and certain other costs for qualified very low-income students who are California residents. The average full time award is $775 per semester ($1,551 per academic year).
What is Cal Grant B?
This is required for all new, transfer, and returning non-exempt students (exemptions are listed under Matriculation in the College Catalog). It provides students with information about Mission College and higher education. Information about college programs and services; degree, certificate, and transfer requirements; academic expectations and procedures; campus facilities and registration material are also covered.
What is Orientation?
Sometimes studying in a quiet environment can help decrease a student's stress level. You can find quiet study rooms at this location.
What is the Library?
This program is tailored to students enrolled in at least 9 semester units and are motivated and serious about their education. All majors are welcome!
What is ACCESS?
These are the four most critical courses needed for transfer. All other transfer inquiries can be addressed through the Counseling Center.
What is English 1A, Communication, Critical Thinking and Math?