What time do Missionaries need to be home at night?
9:30 pm
Someone comes up to you and asks for a Book of Mormon, what should you do?
Give them the Book of Mormon asap.
When is the BEST time to start preparing for your mission?
Right now! Come on Gina!!!!
What is the first missionary lesson missionaries teach?
Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Football game.
What time do Missionaries get up in the morning?
6:30 am
Your companion needs to use the restroom that is in the back of a grocery store, what do you do?
You will need to go with them to the back of the grocery store and wait outside.
How many times should you read the Book of Mormon before your mission?
As many times as you can.
When should you invite someone to be baptized?
Typically after they have been taught the first lesson, but it's really when the spirit guides you.
What is the most amount of companions you can have throughout your mission?
What time do missionaries typically leave the house for the day?
12 pm (but really depends on area presidency discretion)
You stop by to teach a scheduled lesson, but only a single sister (or brother - for the sisters) is home? What do you do?
Call around to see if someone else can join you or find a different time to reschedule.
Who challenges us to find out if the Book of Mormon is true?
Moroni YO!!!!!
What is the best word/sentence to commit someone to baptism?
"Will you be baptized?"
Where is the best place to serve a mission?
Wherever you are called!!!! Come on you silly goose!!!!!
What is the rule for putting a car in reverse?
Your companion must get out and help back you up.
You're being chased by a dog, what do you do?
Pray, reach for the ground to fake picking up a rock and run faster than your companion.
Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.
D&C 4:2
What do you do if your companion is struggling teaching a lesson?
Jump in, agree with them and testify.
Finish the Sentence, "One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other_____
This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!
How often can you call home?
Once a week, on preparation day and holidays. 1 hour and be mindful of your.
You're getting ready to go teach a lesson, but your companion and you just had an argument and you can't stand to look at each other, what should you do?
Invite the spirit fast!!!!!! (Doctrine and Covenants 42:14)
When is the best time to breakup with your girlfriend?
Yesterday. Well actually waiting to have a girlfriend for after your mission is a RIZZZ move.
What two things will always happen during a lesson unless you stop it from happening?
The phone will ring and they will never turn off the TV without you asking. Satan will always try to interrupt.
What are some things you can do on your preparation day?
Grocery shop, laundry, call home, play sports and have fun!