Are you Awake?
I know my Gatsby
Modernist painters and their friends
Modernist figures
Webb in numbers

She was born in St. Louis, MO, in 1850 and published The Awakening in 1899

Who is Kate Chopin?


He lives at this nouveau riche area on Long Island.

What is West Egg?


Also known as a post-impressionist painter, he was Paul Gaugin's friend

Who is Vincent van Gogh?


This person lounges or strolls around in a seemingly aimless way; an idler or loafer, an observer of modern society

What is a flaneur?


This is how many WSC students live in North Hutch.

What is 30?


She is the protagonists of The Awakening

Who is Edna Pontellier


The light at Daisy's house Gatsby often looks at shines in this color.

What is green?


Better known for his painting The Kiss, this Austrian symbolist artist painted his friend Adele Bloch-Bauer several times between 1903 and 1907.

Who is Gustav Klimt?


Someone unduly devoted to style, neatness, and fashion in dress and appearance

What is a dandy?


This is the approx. number of Webb alumni around the world. (your answer needs to be in the neighborhood of 500 plus/minus the actual number)

What is 4600.


Parts of the plot takes place in a Louisiana town on this narrow island in the Gulf of Mexico

What is Grand Isle?


This is the color of Gatsby's Rolls Royce.

What is yellow?


Paul Klee and this Russian painter and art theorist are considered to be the two "founding fathers" of classical modernism.

Who is Wassily Kandinsky?


This hundred-line poem tells the tale of a boat that breaks free of human society.

What is "Le Bateu ivre" ("The Drunken Boat") by Arthur Rimbaud?


Thompson Webb was born 98 years after the French Revolution

What is 1887?


This animal is mentioned on the first page of the novel.

What is a parrot?


Jordan Baker plays what sport?

She plays golf.


Francis Picabia was friends with this painter who created with Nude Descending a Staircase a work that is widely regarded as Modernist classic.

Who is Marcel Duchamps?


This is a Trivial Comedy for Serious People first performed in on 2/14 at the St. James's Theatre in London

What is "On the Importance of Being Earnest"


Student Bill Webb ('39), son of our school founder, found a peccary skull on a trip with Ray Alf this year.

What is 1936?


Robert sings "si tu savais", which means what in English? (The answer is not a question)

"If you (only)knew"


"Pammy" is only mentioned once in the novel by name.

Who is she?

Pammy is Tom and Daisy's daughter


Casagemas (1880-1901) accompanied this friend to visit the World's Fair in autumn 1900

Who is Pablo Picasso?


This lady says "I do not approve of anything that tampers with natural ignorance. Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit; touch it and the bloom is gone"

Who is Lady Backnell?


This is how big the property of Webb campus is (in acres, plus/minus 50 acres)

What is 150 acres?