Whose genius is georgics?
Natalie Snyder
Who can build a fire with a bow drill?
Melody Anthony
Whose hobby is crocheting and/or knitting?
April Peterson
Whose Genius is reading?
Camille Sheridan
Who has owned a gym?
Cheryl Bishop
Which two women listed "gathering people" as their genius?
Natalie Atkin and Katie Vrajich
Who had a pain-free natural homebirth with twins?
Tatiana Bennett
Who just started ukulele lessons?
Emily Mortensen
Whose genius is the cello?
Jen Morgan
Who is the current reigning Utah Dairy Princess?
Shannon Bailey
Who has over 10 siblings?
Rebekah Holyoak
Who loves taking baths?
Katie Vrajich
Who just picked up quilting?
Aislinn Sandstrom
Which two women have the genius of seeing the big picture?
Kaylee Larsen and Rachel Seleue
Who got paid to dance on a canoe?
Rachel Seleue
Whose genius is words?
Sara Krahenbuhl
Who has moved over 30 times in their life?
Danica Toleman
Who loves to do jigsaw puzzles?
Lisa Paul
Whose genius is discernment?
Shayla Lucky
Who thrives in chaos?
Riah Hurst
Whose genius is helping and serving?
Emily Mortensen
Who was the only girl on the roller hockey team?
Nicole McDougal
Which two moms are currently the head of the girls youth group at their church? (Young Women President) (That Kaylee knows about...)
Danica Toleman and Lisa Paul
Whose genius is helping people connect the dots with their gifts.
Sherilyn Colby
Who saw Garth Brooks live at the Grand Ole Oprey?
Jen Morgan