The Secret of Monkey Island
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
The Curse of Monkey Island
Escape From Monkey Island
Tales of Monkey Island

The creator of the Star Wars saga, the film Director appears as a troll guarding the bridge on Melee Island.

Who is George Lucas?


It was included as an optional game mode and was jokingly referred to on the back of the game's box as being "for beginners and magazine reviewers"

What is Easy/Lite Mode?


A delicate solid material used for the construction of various objects. It is revealed in CoMI that Guybrush has a phobia or general dislike of it for some reason.

What is Porcelain?


The island Guybrush must visit in order to enlist the help of Elaine Marleys Lawyers.

What is Lucre Island?


The games studio that went out of business in 2018, they worked with Lucasarts to bring the Monkey Island series back for its final adventure.

What is Telltale Games?


The original name of the studio, first established in 1982. That created Monkey Island and also released 'Maniac Mansion' and 'Zak McKraken', before changing its name in 1990.

What is Lucasfilm Games?


Responsible for revolutionising the soundtrack of the game, this interactive music system was created by Michael Land and Peter McConnell.

What is iMUSE?


The game studio that was formed when series creator Ron Gilbert left Lucasarts in 1992. Which sadly meant he would have no input on CoMI, released in 1997.

What is Humongous Entertainment?


This classic Atari video game is hidden in EfMI and can be activated if you spin Murrays head around a few times and then type "Murrayball".

What is PONG?


The year in which all the 'Tales From Monkey Island' Chapters were released on Windows PC's.

What is 2009?


A fictional disc, the first in a series that the game asks for upon looking at a tree stump in the Melee Island forest. Although it was a joke, many gamers were left confused and called the developers asking for the additional discs.

What is disc number 23?


One of the original four members of Captain Marleys crew who served as cabin boy, his piece of the Big Whoop map was sold to 'The Booty Boutique'. He later died after being shot from a cannon without a helmet.

Who is Young Lindy


The Actor who gave a voice to LeChuck for the first time. Most known for playing a psychologist in the Terminator franchise.

Who is Earl Boen?


The Game Engine that marked a change for the series, was previously utilised in 'Grim 'Fandango' and was used to bring EfMI into 3D

What is GrimE?


Ron Gilbert returned to the series to help write the story for ToMI, but chose this alias as his name in the credits.

Who is the Visiting Professor of Monkeyology


The amount of money that Guybrush is paid upon being fired out of the cannon at The Fantastic Flying Fettucini Brothers Circus.

What is 478 Pieces o' Eight?


This scientific name for spitting is chanted by the Spitmaster when he is trying to find a volunteer for the Booty Island Spit Contest.

What is expectorate?


An easter egg from another Lucasarts game can be found if you look at the spider web in the corner of Stan's place and then enter, exit and reenter 35 times.

What is The DIG?


Revealed to be Elaines long thought assumed dead Grandfather, Horatio Torquemada Marley assumed this name after sufering amensia when shipwreaked.

Who is Herman Toothrot?


Coronado DeCava, the character on an expedition to find La Esponja Grande, is one of these. They were the knights, soldiers and explorers of the Spanish and the Portuguese Empires.

What is Conquistador?


The art program, a staple of Amiga computers, that provided the inspiration for Guybrush's name. Being the placeholder Guy name combined with the brush animation tool.

What is Deluxe Paint?


A book written by Guybrush after the events of the first game. It can be found in the Phatt City Library. If you read it Guybrush comments "I can't believe I'm reading my own memoirs."

What is The Time I Blew Up LeChuck?


The full name of the small awkward pirate on top of the cliff of Skull Island. He attempts to lower Guybrush down to the smuggler's cave on a winch elevator and fails.

Who is Effete LaFoot?


The title of a 1922 novel by James Joyce that gives inspiration for Guybrush's middle name, which was not revealed until EfMI.

What is Ulysses?


The actor who played the Human version of LeChuck in chapters 2, 3, and 4.

Who is Kevin Blackton?