What must you use to look at a Solar Eclipse?
Solar glasses or you can watch through a camera
This is the first phase where we can barely see the Moon from Earth
What is getting blocked during a Lunar Eclipse
The Moon
A tide is...
The change in sea level
What gets blocked during a Solar Eclipse?
The Sun!
This phase of the Moon is when we can fully see the Moon from Earth
Full Moon
What is the darkest part of the shadow called?
High tide and Low tide
What does the blocking during a Solar Eclipse?
The Moon!
This phase of the Moon occurs when we can only see half of the Moon
What does it mean when there is a TOTAL lunar eclipse?
The Earth completely covers the Moon
Gravity from the Moon causes the tidal bulges on Earth which creates a high tide. When the Earth moves away from the Moon, that area will have low tide.
What does the sky look like when a Solar Eclipse occurs?
It gets very dark
This word means we are starting to see more and more of the Moon
Because the Moon's orbit and Earth's orbit don't always line up
What is a Spring Tide?
When the Sun and Moon both impact the tides and the high tides are higher and the low tides are lower
What phase of the Moon occurs during a Solar Eclipse?
A New Moon
This word means we are seeing less and less of the Moon
What phase of the Moon occurs during a Lunar Eclipse?
Full Moon
What is a Neap Tide?
When the low tides are higher and the high tides are lower when the Sun's effect reduces the Moon's effect on the tides.