Comprehension Questions
Point of View

What historic event did the characters witness on television?

a. the first moon walk

b. the first trip to Mars

c. the first flight into space

d. the first flight around Earth

a. the first moon walk


Point of view can best be described as....

a. the time and place in which a story takes place

b. the purpose of a story

c. the way a story's narrator feels or thinks about the character or events

d. characters within a story

c. the way a story's narrator feels or thinks about the character or events


What is a summary?

 A. a brief statement of the important parts of a story

B. the message that the main character learns in the story

c. the steps the main character takes to solve a problem

A. a brief statement of the important parts of a story


What caused Gramps to look "lifetime-tired"?

a.  his old age

b. many years of farming

c. many years of worrying

d. spending too much time in the sun

b. many years of farming


As I walked through my bedroom door, my mom came to stand beside me. The walls, once decorated with posters, and the bookshelves once covered in toys and games, were now barren. Only two boxes remained-an old collection of toys and one last box ready to go with me to college.  Mom gasped and threw her arms around me as she saw the empty room. My excitement dampened when I realized how sad my mom was to see me go. I couldn't believe today was the day I would be leaving for college, and even though I was excited, I sure was going to miss my family.

What point of view is the paragraph written in?

a. 1st person

b. 2nd person

c. 3rd person

a. 1st person


Explain each part of the SWBST strategy.






Somebody (main character)

Wanted (what the main character wants)

But (problem)

So (events that lead to a solution)

Then (Resolution)


How were Mae's and Gramps' view of the space program DIFFERENT?

a.  Gramps was excited about it, but Mae thought it was a waste of time.

b. Mae was excited about it, but Gramps thought it was a waste of time.

c. Gramps was excited about it, but Mae thought it was a waste of money.

d. Mae was excited about it, but Gramps thought it was a waste of money.

d. Mae was excited about it, but Gramps thought it was a waste of money.


When I walked into my oldest child's bedroom, I was shocked to see the bare walls and empty shelves. It felt like yesterday that I was looking into this same room watching him play happily with his favorite toys, zooming Buzz Lightyear through the air.  Today, there are only two boxes left. As I hug him tightly, I whisper in his ear that I wish I could always be with him. My heart breaks to see my boy going off to college, and I'm not sure how I'll get along without him here at home.  I'm reassured when he tells me that I'll always be with him. I just can't believe my dear son is leaving today.

What point of view is the paragraph written in?

a. 1st person

b. 2nd person

c. 3rd person

a. 1st person


Lola was excited to be in fifth grade this year because it meant she was old enough to go to outdoor science camp. Ever since she heard about the three-night school field trip to a local campground that was an important tradition for Washington Elementary School, she could not wait to go. “Mom, I have the permission slip for you to sign for outdoor science camp! Yippee, I’m finally in fifth grade and I get to go to science camp!” Lola exclaimed when she got home from school. Lola’s favorite subject was science and she couldn’t wait to be out in nature conducting real experiments. Her mom hugged her as she read the letter. Suddenly, her mom’s face changed from pure joy to a sad, concerned expression. “Oh sweetie, it says we have to pay $150 for the field trip. I’m so sorry but we can’t afford that right now. You know things are tight now,” her mom said to her. Lola was crushed. She ran to her room, crying. As she lay in bed, she thought to herself, “I am going to find a way to get the money I need to go to outdoor camp! There has to be a way!” Lola couldn’t feel mad at her mom because it wasn’t her fault that she lost her job a few months before and had been trying hard to get a new one—with no luck. Lola grabbed a notebook and wrote down some ideas for ways to raise the money. By dinnertime, she had a list of five ideas which included selling her clothes, asking her grandpa for money, and hosting a car wash and bake sale event. She showed the list to her mom, hopeful that she would approve one of her ideas. Her mom agreed that she could do a car wash and bake sale to raise the funds needed for the field trip. The following weekend, Lola and her mom worked tirelessly to wash cars and sell baked goods in front of their house. It worked! They raised a total of $168. The mother-and-daughter team was thrilled! On Monday, Lola proudly turned in her permission slip and money to her teacher.

Which of the following is the best summary of the story?

a. Lola wanted to go on the fifth grade field trip, but they could not afford it. So, Lola came up with different ideas to raise the money. Lola and her mom washed cars and sold baked goods tirelessly over the weekend. Then Lola raised enough money to go on her 5th grade field trip.

b. Lola wanted to go on the fifth grade field trip, but her friend could not afford it. So, Lola came up with different ideas to raise the money. Lola and her mom washed cars and sold baked goods tirelessly over the weekend. Then Lola raised enough money to take her friend on the 5th grade field trip.

c. Lola wanted to go on the fifth grade field trip, but they could not afford it. So, Lola came up with different ideas to raise the money. Lola and her mom washed cars and sold baked goods tirelessly over the weekend. Then Lola raised enough money to go on her 5th grade field trip. I think raising the money for the field trip was a great idea!

a. Lola wanted to go on the fifth grade field trip, but they could not afford it. So, Lola came up with different ideas to raise the money. Lola and her mom washed cars and sold baked goods tirelessly over the weekend. Then Lola raised enough money to go on her 5th grade field trip.


How is the setting important to the story?

a. It takes place the year Mae was born.

b. It takes place the year Kennedy became president.

c. It takes place the year after an historic event in space.

d. It takes place the same year as an historic event in space.

d. It takes place the same year as an historic event in space.


Rex didn't have a plan. All he knew was that he needed to get to share as soon as possible and save the day.  He tried the engine again, but something was clearly wrong with it. He added more gas, but that didn't help. He went below deck and looked for a paddle, an oar, or something to maybe use as a sail. All he found was a bag of popcorn and a fishing pole. He was very hungry, but Rex threw aside the popcorn and headed back up top. He knew that he'd have to swim for it.

What point of view is the paragraph written in?

a. 1st person

b. 2nd person

c. 3rd person

c. 3rd person


Valentina was having an exceptional day. She'd earned an A on her history project and landed the lead in the school play. Now, she just had to stop home to grab her soccer uniform and get to the field for the league playoff game. As she was joyfully twirling her keychain around her finger, however, it flew off and right into a sewer grate.

The key on that keychain was the only way that Valentina could get into her house, and she really needed that uniform. She was the Mustangs' star player! Valentina looked through the grate and could see the keychain sitting just a few inches down. She tried to poke her fingers through, but they just couldn't reach. She tried to lift up the grate, but she couldn't budge it. Valentina plopped down on the curb and put her head in her hands. Finally, she looked up and noticed the building across the street, and she had an idea.

She ran across to the dry cleaners and asked if they had an old wire hanger she could have. They did. She fashioned the broken hanger into a hook, threaded it through the grate, and carefully extracted her keychain. She then rushed home, gripping her keychain as tightly as possible.

Which details from the story should be included in a good summary?

a. Valentina earned an A on her history project.

b. Her keychain flew off of her finger and landed in the sewer grate.

c. Valentina held her head in her hands, as if she was going to give up.

b. Her keychain flew off of her finger and landed in the sewer grate.


What message does the author want to get across to the reader?

a. Space exploration is necessary.

b. Family members often disagree with each other.

c. Everyone should support space exploration.

d. People's views are based on their experiences.

d. People's views are based on their experiences.


You don't know how your brother could treat you this way. All you ever did was help him. You tutored him in the subjects he struggled with, and you even taught him how to shoot a basketball and ride a bike. This is how he repays you: by stealing your best idea and passing it off as his own. You only told him about it because you thought you could trust him. You thought he looked up to you and couldn't imagine him doing anything to hurt you. Boy, were you wrong!

What point of view is the paragraph written in?

a. 1st person

b. 2nd person

c. 3rd person

b. 2nd person


When Aurelia checked her email, her eyes widened. Panic set in. She had gotten the time of her interview wrong. It was an hour earlier than she had thought. She absolutely couldn't be late. She really wanted this job, but she knew that punctuality was something they really valued over at Stereo Kingdom. She really had to move.

Luckily, Aurelia had already showered and dressed. She looked at the bus schedule she had tacked to the wall, and it told her that the bus wouldn't be an option. Aurelia hustled outside and unlocked her bike. She pedaled like mad for the mall. She checked her watch when she was halfway there, did some quick math in her head, and knew that she wasn't going to make it unless she took a detour. She had to make a decision-be late or be dirty. Knowing that the interview would be canceled if she were late, Aurelia chose to be dirty. She veered off from the main road and took the muddy path through the woods.

Caked in mud. Aurelia skidded up to Stereo Kingdom with a minute to spare. Despite her appearance, Aurelia impresses Stereo King Mr. Poole with her determination. She got the job.

Which of the following summaries has an opinion that should NOT be included?

a. Aurelia was running late for her interview, but she was determined to make it there on time. She jumped on her bike and pedaled to the mall as fast as she could. Aurelia only made it to the interview on time because she took a muddy detour. She was dirty, but she got the job.

b. Aurelia had an important interview, but she had gotten the time wrong. In order to make it there on time, Aurelia had to take a detour through the woods, which left her caked in mud. Aurelia did make it on time. She even got the job, despite being muddy. Luckily, Mr. Poole, the boss, didn’t have high standards.

c. Aurelia misjudged the time of her interview by a whole hour. She rushed out the door and onto her bike. In order to make it to the interview on time, she had to take a path through the muddy woods. Aurelia was caked in mud when she arrived at Stereo Kingdom, but she earned herself a new job.

b. Aurelia had an important interview, but she had gotten the time wrong. In order to make it there on time, Aurelia had to take a detour through the woods, which left her caked in mud. Aurelia did make it on time. She even got the job, despite being muddy. Luckily, Mr. Poole, the boss, didn’t have high standards.