Citation/ Evidence
I.D. the Preposition(s)
I.D. the Interjection(s)
What evidence in the story demonstrates that Zaroff is prejudiced?
What is (at least mentioned one of the following) 1. He calls Ivan's race "a bit of a savage." 2. He lists every race but his own as "the scum of the earth that deserve to be hunted." 3. Believes sailors have dull brains.
What does it mean to infer?
What is: 1. read between the lines? OR 2. drawing a conclusion based on evidence and reasoning?
What effect do the following details have on the plot? "...a high screaming sound, the sound of an animal in an extremity of anguish and terror." (Hint: What mood does it create?)
They introduce the threat of anguish and terror on the island.
"He had a good grip on himself, had stopped, and was taking stock of himself and the situation."
What is on, of?
"Then we'll hunt, eh?"
What is eh?
What two components must be included in an in-text citation?
What is author's last name, pg. #?
Why is General Zaroff especially welcoming of Rainsford?
He is excited to have the chance to hunt an expert hunter.
What does the following detail add to the suspense of the story? "What perils that tangle of trees and underbrush might hold for him did not concern Rainsford just then." (Hint: What does it tell you may occur in the future/later in the story?)
It foreshadows the danger ahead, while leaving the reader to wonder about the specific nature of that threat.
Rainsford had fought his way through the bush for two hours.
What is through, for?
"Ah, indeed?" the general inquired.
What is Ah?
Where must the period of a citation be placed?
What is after the parenthesis, not in the quotation. Example: "blah blah" (Smith 4).
General Zaroff explains to Rainsford that many sailors are marooned on the island due to weather, but he also adds, "Sometimes when Providence is not so kind, I help Providence a bit." What does Zaroff mean?
He takes matters into his own hands by setting traps to bring sailors to his island.
How does the author'sword choice add suspense in the following passage? "...The jungle weeds were crushed down and the moss was lacerated; one patch of weeds was stained crimson." (Hint: What words add suspense-a feeling of uncertainty, dread, and what do these words suggest?)
"crushed", "lacerated", "stained crimson" all suggest physical violence.
Then he straightened up and took from his case one of his black cigarettes.
What is from, of?
Oh, you can trust me.
What is oh?
Provide evidence that supports General Zaroff as demonstrating animalistic tendencies?
What is (any are appropriate): 1. "No animal had a chance with me anymore" (Connell 29). 2. "Life is for the strong, to be lived by the strong, and if needs be, taken by the strong. The weak of the world were put here to give the strong pleasure" (Connell 30).
Why does Rainsford choose to participate in the "game"?
He wants to avoid being tortured by Ivan.
What is particularly foreboding (a feeling of future misfortune or evil) about General Zaroff's statement at this point in the story (after he tells Rainsford that he hunts humans): "I want to show you my new collection of heads."
Rainsford knows that the general wants to show off his collection of human heads.
"Sorry you can't go with me tonight," called the general.
What is with?
Alas, you agree that hunting is not a fine sport.
What is alas?
Should a comma be placed in between the author's last name and page number?
What is no?
What inferences does Rainsford make based on the evidence of the pistol shots?
Men are present on the island and must have food.
General Zaroff tells Rainsford that if Rainsford wins, he will allow Rainsford to survive, but Rainsford may not mention what happens to people once they are on the island. Rainsford's response is, "I'll agree to nothing of the kind." Why might Rainsford's statement put him in danger?
Zaroff will be determined to kill Rainsford rather than let him live to tell what Zaroff does on the island.
General Zaroff, with a deep, courtly bow, strolled from the room.
What is with, from?
"Aww, this hot weather is making you soft, Whitney."
What is aww?