What did Ralph request for breakfast when Keith asked him?
He will poke it through the knothole just like room service.
When did Ralph promise to use the motorcycle to Keith?
He will only use the motorcycle at night.
What is the reason that made Ralph's family to move into the hotel?
Because of the owls
What happened to Ralph's Uncle Leroy?
He disappeared and his bones were found in an owl pellet.
What is an owl pellet?
Owl pellets are the undigested parts of an owl's food, regurgitated (coughed up through the beak).
What did Ralph wanted to find out about after outwitting the vacuum cleaner?
<Motorcycle VS Vacuum cleaner>
Testing the motorcycle against the vacuum cleaner
Where did Ralph get stuck in and how did he get out of there?
He got stuck in a laundry basket.
He ripped into the pillowcase with his sharp teeth.
What did Ralph do with the motorcycle when he needed to escape? WHY did he do what he did?
He abandoned it because the hole he made was too small for the motorcycle
Why was Ralph's family having a family reunion?
Because Ralph's family had enough food from Keith
What did Keith see when he went for a picnic?
Give THREE details.
He saw an old mining town with a real jail with bars on the windows.
What did Keith use to make Ralph's crash helmet?
Half a Ping-Pong ball.
In chapter 9, what food did Keith say he would bring for Ralph?
some bacon, toast and jelly
When Ralph came back to the mousehole, why was there a pandemonium?
*pandemonium: wild and noisy disorder or confusion; uproar
His family was afraid that the housekeepers might try to harm the mice.
In chapter 9, according to Keith, what did people tell him to be whenever he get in trouble?
He should stop to use his head.
He's in too much of a hurry.
He needs to be patient.