What was the name of the motel and the room number that Keith was staying in?
Mountain View Inn
Room number 215
Where did Keith's family from?
Where is the Mountain View Inn?
Where was Keith's family's final destination?
Why are they going there?
On their way to celebrate Independence Day in Sanfransico
How come Keith's father decided to spend few days in the hotel?
because Keith's father didn't want to drive on a holiday weekend.
Who is the Bell Boy?
Who was eagerly watching everying that went on in Room 215?
How come he was disappointed when he saw the size of the boy (Keith)?
a young mouse named Ralph
Because Ralph thought older kids do not leave crumbs
Ralph's mother is a great worrier.
Give at least TWO things that were mentioned in the book on the things that she was worried about Ralph.
1) She worried about Ralph finding aspirin tablets.
2) She worried because Ralph climbed the curtain to sit on the windowsill to watch outside.
3) She worried because Ralph wanted to go exploring down the hall.
4) She worried because he was a reckless mouse, who stayed out late in the daytime when he should have been home safe in bed.
How did Ralph's father die?
because he had been poisoned
In chapter 2, what happened to Ralph when the telephone bell rang?
Ralph lost balancce and the momentum of the motorcycle propelled him forward, gover the edge of the table.
He fell into the wastebasket.
When Keith let Ralph ride his motorcycle, who did Ralph meet in the hallway?
A little terrier
Keith's mother
A man in a bathrobe and slippers
Where did Ralph leave the motorcycle after his ride?
Under the bed