Literary Devices
In Paragraph 7, the Latin Prefix "extra' in the word extraordinary means? a. within b. toward c. around d. beyond
What is beyond?
Why did scientists decide that the rocks had never been real roses? A The rocks’ mineral composition was different. B The rocks’ crystals were formed on the ocean floor. C They realized that the rocks were the wrong color and weight. D They discovered that the rock clusters were too big for real flowers.
What is the rocks' mineral composition was different?
Which detail from the passage is an opinion? A They are made of selenite, which creates their light color. B It is hard to ignore the beautiful, near perfect single roses. C Oklahoma’s roses range in color from dusty red to crimson. D As water passed through sandstone, barite crystals were formed.
What is it is hared to ignore the beautiful, near perfect single rose?
Which book would be most helpful in finding information about the formation of rose rocks? A Oklahoma Rock Collecting Club B Oklahoma Minerals, Crystals, and Rocks C Gems From the Southwest Online Catalog D Photographing Rocks, Minerals, and Crystals
What is Oklahoma Minerals, Crystals, and Rocks?
How many years ago does scientists believe rose rocks were formed?
What is 250 million years ago?
What is the best definition of the word petrified as it is used in paragraph 5? A erupted B hardened C sharpened D strengthened
What is hardened?
What is the main idea of the passage? A Rose rocks are hard to find. B Rose rocks look just like real roses. C Collectors are amazed by the discovery of huge rose rocks. D Scientists are hoping to discover how rose rocks are formed.
What is scientists are hoping to discover how rose rocks are formed?
What is the purpose of the simile in paragraph 2? A to show why the rocks are unusual B to illustrate the author’s knowledge C to explain the roses’ creation process D to create an image for the reader to understand
What is to create an image for the reader to understand?
What would be the best way to find out when the rose rock became the official rock of Oklahoma? A Look in a book containing data on the geography of the Southwestern United States. B Use an Internet search engine with the key words Oklahoma and rose rock. C Access an online catalog to search for historical references of Oklahoma. D Locate several books on the history of the Southwestern United States.
What is use an internet search engine with the key words Oklahoma and rose rock?
From what point of view is the following written: The Scarecrow found a tree full of nuts and filled Dorothy's basket with them, so that she would not be hungry for a long time. She thought this was very kind and thoughtful of the Scarecrow, but she laughed heartily at the awkward way in which the poor creature picked up the nuts. His padded hands were so clumsy that he dropped almost as many as he put in the basket. But the Scarecrow did not mind how long it took him to fill the basket, for it enabled him to keep away from the fire, as he feared a spark might get into his straw and burn him up.
What is third person omniscient?
Based on the title and subtitle, the student can tell this passage is about... A the popularity of things discovered in Oklahoma. B the origin of something unique to Oklahoma. C the artificial flower business in Oklahoma. D the work of scientists in Oklahoma.
What is the origin of something unique to Oklahoma?
Scientists now believe that the rose rocks were formed when A different shaped rock stuck together in clusters. B small rocks became trapped in the red soil. C real flowers turned into petrified rock. D ocean water passed through sandstone.
What is ocean water passed through sandstone?
According to the passage what state are rose rocks found?
What is Oklahoma?
Which strategy would be most effective when compiling information from an interview? A describing the setting of the interview B rereading notes into a recording device C writing down every word that was spoken D summarizing ideas that relate to the research
What is summarizing ideas that relate to the research?
What is the Point of View for the following: (How do you know?)We lived on the main residential street in town Atticus, Jem and I, plus Calpurnia our cook. Jem and I found our father satisfactory: he played with us, read to us, and treated us with courteous detachment... Our mother died when I was two, so I never felt her absence. She was a Graham from Montgomery; Atticus met her when he was first elected to the state legislature.
What is first person?
Which word in paragraph 4 connects opposite ideas? A although B many C still D another
What is although?
What is one main reason the barite rose rocks from Oklahoma arehard to find? A The rocks crumble easily. B Many people are collecting them. C They were destroyed when cities were built. D Scientists have used them for experimentation.
What is Many people are collecting them?
What is a metaphor?
What is compares two things and doesn't use like or as?
When researching rose rocks, which of these questions would be best to ask in an interview with an oceanographer? A Which color common in rose rocks is your favorite? B What types of shells are formed from the sand in the ocean? C How did ocean currents cause the rose rocks to look like petals? D Which rose rock is the most valuable for collectors to attempt to find?
What is how did ocean currents cause the rose rocks to look like petals?
The Great Pizza Fight by Lester Peterson Vince held the slice of pepperoni pizza in his palm as the cheese dripped through his fingers. He didn't know what to do. The cafeteria was afire with slices of pizza flying through the air. Splat! A greasy slice of sausage splattered on Vince's table. The sauce splashed up and hit his friend R.J. in the chest. "Ugh!" R.J. shouted as he fell into Vince's arms. "I'm hit, Vince!"
What is third person objective?
Which question is answered in paragraph 2? A How did the rose rocks form? B What color are the rose rocks? C Why are rose rocks hard to find? D How do collectors like rose rocks?
What is what color are the rose rocks?
What type of details are used to support the main idea in paragraph 5? A facts B analogies C examples D quotations
What is facts?
What is an idiom?
What is a group of words whose meaning is figurative and different from the actual words of the expression?
What discovery disproves the theory that rose rocks are petrified roses? A that an ocean once covered the state B that the rocks are composed of barium and sulfate C that the color of the rocks vary from place to place D that rose rocks can be found in several places around the world
What is that the rocks are composed of barium and sulfate?
What is the author's purpose? How do you know? A one page printout showing how to put together a coffee table that came in a box.
What is Inform?