What Questions Do Scientists Ask?
How Do Scientists Use Tools?
How Do Scientists Answer Questions?
How Do Scientists Draw Conclusions?
Scientists often engage in "inquiry." What is inquiry?
the process of asking questions and searching for answers
What does a balance measure?
What is a survey? How do scientists use these to discover things?
In a survey, scientists ask people a number of questions and then analyze their answers to learn things.
What is a procedure?
a set of step-by-step instructions for how to perform a test or experiment
What are some materials scientists could use to research a topic?
encyclopedias, books, magazines, scientific journals, the Internet, ask an expert
What is the difference between a telescope and a microscope? What are they used for?
A telescope helps you see objects that are far away. A microscope helps you see objects in much greater detail.
What would happen if you change more than one variable in your experiment?
Your data will not be accurate because you are not consistent with what you are measuring in your experiment.
Why should scientists keep records of their data?
You can only learn from your experiment if you write down and record the information that you gathered during it!
What are the 3 main ways scientists investigate questions?
observations, research, experiments
What are 3 science safety rules?
teacher discretion advised...
Why would a scientist do the same experiment several times?
Some might go wrong the first time. You will get more data the more you try your experiment and that will lead to better and more accurate results.
What's the difference between a bar graph and a line graph?
A bar graph uses rectangular bar to compare data. A line graph connects points of data on a graph with straight lines.
Why would a scientist research a topic before doing an experiment?
Maybe somebody else has already done the experiment before and the scientist can learn from their ideas. Also, with more information, the scientist's experiment will be better and more accurate.
Why should scientists compare their observations with other scientists?
If both scientists' data matches, they know it is accurate. If their does not match up, then they know they need to conduct more experiment to learn more and get more information.
What is the difference between two-dimensional and three-dimensional models?
Two-dimensional models describe things that have length and width but NO height. (a map) Three-dimensional models describe things that have length, width, AND height. (life-size models)
Why is it important to make inferences and draw conclusions from your data at the end of an experiment?
It is important to think deeper about your data. You need to ask "Why?" You need to think about the possible reasons for what happened in your experiment.
Which happens first, making observations or conducting an experiment?
Usually, scientists make observations about things they wonder about first. This gives them ideas for their experiments. The also make observations during their experiments to see what is happening and if their hypothesis is correct or not.
What does a graduated cylinder measure?
What are the steps in the scientific method? Hint: think of the steps in the tennis ball experiment...
Ask a question, State your hypothesis, Identify and control variables, Test your hypothesis with an experiment, Collect and record data, Interpret your data, State your conclusion
How does a scientist develop a reasonable answer to his or her question?
A reasonable answer makes sense. It is not swayed by opinions, but is backed by solid evidence and data.