Root Words
Suffix Words
True or False

Example: Glial

Definition of Example: Pertaining to neuroglia.

Find Root

Root Word: gli/o

Meaning: Neuroglia.


Example: Hemiparesis

Definition of Example: Partial paralysis of one side of the body.

Find Suffix

Suffix: -paresis

Meaning: Partial paralysis, weakness.

Patient with 6 months of life presenting bilateral paresis.


Hyperlexia refers to increase skills in reading.

Answer: True


Word: Cerebrospinal

Find Definition

Definition: Pertaining to the brain and spinal cord.


What is number 2?

Hint: (External surface of the brain). The lobes and surface features of the ___________

Answer: Cerebellum

The cerebellum is the largest part of the brain. It is composed largely of white matter with a thin outer layer of gray matter, the cerebral cortex.


Example: Neurotrophin

Definition of Example: Factor that promotes nerve growth.

Find Root

Root Word: neur/o

Meaning: Nervous system, nervous tissue, nerve.


Example: Tetraplegia

Definition of Example: Paralysis of all four limbs.

Find Suffix

Suffix: -plegia

Meaning: Paralysis


The fiber that carries impulses toward the neuron cell body is the axon.

Answer: False

The fiber that carriers impulses toward the neuron cell body is the dendrite.

Cells that carry electrical signals or impulses are known as neurons, and the specialized branches on neurons that do the work of receiving and sending these signals are dendrites.


Word: Encephalopathy

Find Definition

Definition: Any disease of the brain.

Encephalopathy in children


Somnambulism means walking during_______.

Fill in the blank

Answer: Sleep

A condition of body and mind that typically recurs for several hours every night or during day. The nervous system is relatively inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended.


Root Word: encephal/o

Find Meaning

Meaning: Brain



Find Meaning

Meaning: Seizure


The cervical nerves are in the region of the neck.

Answer: True

 Cervical nerves provide functional control and sensation to different parts of the body based on the spinal level where they branch out from the spinal cord. 


Definition: Lack of sleep, inability to sleep.

Find Word

Word: Insomnia


The hypothalamus is below the ________.

Fill in the blank

Answer: Thalamus

The part of the brain that receives all sensory impulses, except those for the sense of smell, and directs them to the proper portion of the cerebral cortex. (Root: thalam/o)


Meaning: Spinal cord (bone marrow).

Definition of Example: Hemorrhage into the spinal cord.

Find Root and the Example

Root Word: myel/o

Example: Hematomylia


Meaning: Excided state, obsession.

Definition of Example: Exaggerated, self-importance, "delusions of grandeur".

Find Suffix and the Example

Suffix: -mania

Example: Megalomania


Myelinated neurons make up the gray matter of the CNS.

Answer: False

Myelinated neurons make up the white matter of the CNS.

White matter refers to areas of the central nervous system (CNS) that are mainly made up of myelinated axons, also called tracts.


Definition: Inflammation of many spinal nerve roots.

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Word: Polyradiculitis

Polyradiculitis in autoimmune encephalitis


An instrument used to study the electric activity of the brain is the ______.

A. CT Scanner

B. Electrocardiography

C. Sonography

D. Electroencephalograph

Answer: D. Electroencephalograph


Root Word: mening/o            

Meaning: Meninges

Example: ???

Definition of Example: Hernia of the meninges.

Example: Meningocele


Suffix: -phasia

Meaning: Speech


Definition of Example: Uttering words that are different from those intended.

Example: Heterophasia


The spinal nerves are part of the peripheral nervous system.

Answer: True

The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is the division of the nervous system containing all the nerves that lie outside of the central nervous system (CNS)


Definition: Outside the medulla.

Find Word

Word: Extramedullary


Fill in the blanks in order

A motor neuron: The break in the axon denotes length.

Words: Axon Terminals, Node, Cell Body, Dendrite, Myelin, Nucleus

1. Dendrite

2. Nucleus

3. Cell Body

4. Myelin

5. Node

6. Axon Terminals