FDR Offers Relief and Reform
The Second New Deal
Effects of the New Deal
The Role of Government Expands
What were the three goals of the First New Deal? 

Relief. recovery, and reform.


In what two ways did Americans benefit from the New Deal by 1934? 

Millions were put to work and millions more received direct aid to provide relief. 


What role did Eleanor Roosevelt play in the New Deal?

Traveled to places FDR could not; advised FDR; served as an inspiration to millions of Americans, and wrote to thousands of citizens. 


What did the New Deal create, economically? 

The foundation for sustained and stable growth.


What was the AAA and what was its purpose? 

The Agricultural Adjustment Act.  It sought to end overproduction and raise crop prices. 


What was seen as FDR's biggest mistake of his presidency? 

The Court-Packing Bill


What was Francis Perkins' role in The New Deal? 

First female cabinet member, Secretary of Labor, Leading role in Social Security Act.  


What is a welfare state? 

A government that assumes responsibility for providing for the welfare of children, the poor, the sick, disabled and unemployed. 


What was the TVA and how did it attract industries? 

Tennessee Valley Authority.  Cheap electrical power generated by the dams.


What were two goals of the new wave of programs launched by FDR in the Second New Deal?

Long-term recovery and more direct relief to workers and farmers. 


What was the Black Cabinet? 

African American leaders that were unofficial advisors to FDR. 


What debate from the New Deal era divides liberals and conservatives to this day? 

The role of the federal government in society. 


What did FDR say was the most important piece of legislation ever and why? 

The National Recovery Administration (NRA);  It developed codes of fair competition to govern whole industries. 


What did the Wagner Act do? 

Created the National Labor Relations Board which protected workers from unfair business practices and the right to form unions. 


Why did FDR not back an anti lynching law? 

Because southern Democrats would block his New Deal legislation. 


What principle about the federal government's responsibility did the New Deal establish? 

That the federal government was responsible fo the welfare of all Americans. 


Why did Huey Long object to the New Deal? 

He wanted higher taxes on the wealthy and corporations. 


Where does the funds for the social security system come from? 

Directly from workers paychecks. 

What was the Indian New Deal? 

A program that gave Native Americans economic assistance and greater control over their own affairs. 


What was one way that Americans sought to guard against the growing power of the President as seen under FDR? 

The 22 Amendment which limits the president to no more than two terms in office.