1932 Election
Fireside Chats
Court-Packing Plan
Influential people & culture of the New Deal
Criticisms, Effects & Achievements

Who were the two presidential candidates during the 1932 election? 

Franklin Delano Roosevelt vs. Herbert Hoover 


Who was the first president to conduct fireside chats?

Franklin D. Roosevelt


Making the judges that were 70 and older retire or gain an "assistant" was known as... 

the court-packing plan 


What was a popular movie in the late 1930s that provided hope for Americans and their dreams? 

The Wizard of Oz 


Liberals believed FDR's New Deal Programs were... 

not doing enough 


Was FDR a democrat or republican?



Where did FDR's fireside chats take place?

in the White House


FDR ended up appointing many judges during his presidency because he was re-elected 3 times. Which amendment was created to stop this from happening? 

22nd Amendment


What was the purpose of movies during the Great Depression? 

Allowed Americans to temporarily escape their reality


Conservatives believed FDR's New Deal Programs were... 

doing too much 


Herbert Hoover's reputation was hurt because of...

the bonus army protest


What was FDR's first fireside chat about?

the banking crisis


How many judges serve on the Supreme Court? How many did FDR want? 

There are 9. FDR wanted 15

How did Eleanor Roosevelt change the role of the First Lady? 

She took an active role and participated in American politics. She traveled for her husband, protested for women and civil rights, and held press conferences. 


What ended the Great Depression? 



FDR won the election by promising Americans a New Deal. What was the New Deal? 

FDR's solution to the Great Depression. It was a series of programs, public work projects, financial reforms, and regulations. 


The Emergency Banking Relief Act was.. 

- Designed to assess the stability and viability of banks across the nation

- Determined which banks were too weak to survive on their own and which ones required government assistance to continue their operations


What was FDR's alleged reasoning behind the court-packing plan? (not the real reason, but the supposed reason) 

He said he wanted to make the Supreme Court more efficient. He said it was better to have younger people as judges that were more up to date on society.


Painters and photographers tried to depict the daily life of ordinary people. What was this called? 

social realism 


How did the New Deal change attitudes about government responsibilities?

The federal government had a much greater hand in providing for the basic needs of its citizens


Define the Bonus Army Protest 

U.S. World War I veterans, their families, and affiliated groups gathered in Washington, D.C. in the summer of 1932 to demand cash-payment redemption of their service bonus certificates


What was the significance of fireside chats? 

It was an influential series of radio broadcasts.  Roosevelt used the media to present his programs and ideas directly to the public and redefined the relationship between the President and the American people


What was FDR's real reasons for expanding the size of the Supreme Court? 

The Supreme Court was claiming his programs and ideas as unconstitutional. He wanted more judges that agreed with his views so he would get his programs and ideas passed. 


FDR had different sources (groups of people) that helped him make decisions about his programs. What were the three different groups called? 

Brain Trusts - specialists and experts that contributed their ideas and policy recommendations

New Economists - believed in government spending, deficit spending, and public works programs 

FDR's Cabinet - people selected by the president who helped him make decisions 


What did Roosevelt's program hope to provide/focus on?

1. relief - for the unemployed and poor 

2. reform - of the financial system to prevent a repeat depression

3. recovery - of the economy back to normal levels