new deal programs
the great depression
lol...key figures
economic impact ig

What does WPA stand for and what did it do?

Works Progress Administration and it provided jobs for unemployed people


What was the biggest cause of the Great Depression?

the stock market crash of 1929


When was FDR elected president?

November of 1932


Who was FDR?

the president during the Great Depression and served 3 terms


How did the Great Depression impact the American economy?

Factories were shut down, farms and homes were lost to foreclosure, mills and mines were abandoned, and people went hungry.


What does CCC stand for and what does is mean

the Civilian Conservation Corps; allowed single men between the ages of 18 and 25 to enlist in work programs to improve America's public lands, forests, and parks.


What was Black Tuesday?

the day the stock market crashed, signifying the start of the great depression


What are the 3 R's and what did they do?

Relief-provide immediate financial support to those you need assistance

Recovery-programs and aide created to help the economy revive itself and create job opportunities

Reform-programs created to fix problem areas to prevent something like this from happening again

Who was Warren G. Harding?

a republican and was the 29th president


How did the new Deal restore faith in the economy?

put people back to work


What were the two purposes of the NIRA?

Limiting hours and launching a public works program; and increasing individuals' purchasing power by establishing minimum wage rates


What was the Dust Bowl?

a region in the central Great Plains that was hit by a severe drought


What did FDR promise to the people?

he would create programs that would help keep their jobs and money from going into debt


What president wants to preserve the old moral and economic precepts many Americans enjoyed during the 1920s?

Calvin Coolidge


What happened to businesses during the Great Depression?

Businesses started failing and the unemployment rate rose dramatically. By 1932, 1 in every 4 workers were unemployed.


What was the Civil Works Administration?

a federal government program to employ as many needy Americans as possible for the winter of 1933-1934. provided jobs for more than 4 million people


What suffered as results from the Great Depression?

declines in consumer demand, financial panics, and misguided government policies cause economic output to fall in the United States


What did FDR want to do with the Supreme Court?

he wanted to add a new justice every time a justice reached age 70 and failed to retire.


Who was Herbert Hoover?

A former engineer and millionaire who became the 31st president in 1928


How did the Great Depression impact the United States lerm term?

a decrease in GDP, an increase in unemployment, and a decrease in consumer spending


What was the Farm Security Administration?

to aid poor farmers, sharecroppers, tenant farmers, and migrant workers


How much of the nation's work force was unemployed at the height of the Great Depression?

24.9% (12,830,000)


How did FDR change the US?

Under FDR, the American federal government assumed new and powerful roles in the nation's economy, in its corporate life, and in the health, welfare, and well being of its citizens.


Who was John Maynard Keynes?

A British economist in the early 20th century who believed that deficit spending during recessions and depressions could revive national economies

What positive effects did the Great Depression have on America?

the creation of the Social Security System, unemployment insurance and more agencies and programs designed to help Americans during times of economic hardship