Franklin Roosevelt
Relief Programs
Recovery Programs
Relief and Recovery Workers
New Deal Legacy

This state is where President Roosevelt was from.

What is New York?


This program's unique goal was preserving the country's natural resources through the establishment of conservation jobs.

What is the Civilian Conservation Corps?


This New Deal program helped with rural rehabilitation, farm loans and subsistence homestead programs.

What is the Farm Security Administration?


African Americans in the CCC and other New Deal programs had to deal with this issue that we covered extensively last year.

What is segregation?

New Deal programs were integral in expanding and improving upon these parks.

What are national parks?


Roosevelt was paralyzed from the waist down because of having this disease as a child.

What is polio?


Being effective, providing work for employable people on the relief rolls and having a diverse variety of relief programs were the goals of this New Deal act.

What is the Federal Emergency Relief Act?


This New Deal program was established with the intention of bringing modernization to natural resources to parts of several southern states.

What is the Tennessee Valley Authority?


Men working for the CCC were paid this much for each day of work.

What is one dollar?


By 1952, almost all U.S. farms had this, despite only 11% having it before the New Deal.

What is electricity?


Because of his limited mobility, traditional campaigning was hard for Roosevelt, leaving him to rely on advertisements in this type of publication.

What are newspapers?


This New Deal program had a goal of providing a short-term solution to get people back to work.

What is the Civil Works Administration?


This New Deal program put people to work on roads, bridges, public parks and public buildings.

What is the Works Progress Administration?


African Americans were limited to this percentage of the total CCC workforce.

What is 10%?


Multiple New Deal programs completed this type of major road projects.

What are bridges/tunnels? (either or both)


This wife of President Roosevelt was one of his chief political advocates.

Who is Eleanor Roosevelt?


Most FERA workers had lots of this.

What is skills/training? (either or both)


The Works Progress Administration's focus on art projects led to the creation of thousands of these.

What are murals/sculptures? (either or both)


Most New Deal programs were not aimed at women but one notable exception was the efforts made through the FERA by women to bring these to communities that had never had them before.

What are libraries?


This New Deal program south to make electricity and electric lines more easily available in rural areas of the country.

What is the Rural Electricity Administration?


Before Roosevelt, the government tended to have a hands off approach to public infrastructure and corporate practices, leaving both to be managed by this.

What is private industry?


The CCC led to the planting of this many trees in a nine year period.

What is 3 billion?


The FSA also assisted farm families by providing this.

What are healthcare, education and training? (any or all)


This New Deal program provided opportunities such as work training and financial aid to young girls between 16 and 25.

What is the National Youth Administration?


These are FDR's 3 Rs.

What are relief, reform and recovery?