"New Deal"

Name for 1920's America. 

What is the Economic Boom?


Main type of jobs in the 1930's. 

What is construction workers?


When did the "New Deal" begin?

What is 1933?


Name a programme in the "New Deal" that profited off overseas buyers. 

What is "The Gold Confiscations"


True OR False 

The real GDP and unemployment rate returned to same level of 1929 at the same time.


What is the real GDP returned in 1936 and unemployment rate in 1943?


What was the policy that stopped the government from intervening after the stock crash of 1929. 

What is Laissez-faire "every businessman to themself"?


Types of jobs during the 1920's. 

What is nurses, teachers, and factory workers? 


True OR False 

Was there a second "New Deal"?


What is "New Deal" of 1935? 


True OR False 

World War II did NOT end the great depression. 


What is World War II ended the great depression as it provided new fields of jobs?


By how much did unemployment rates increase from 1929 to 1933.

What is 25%


Name 2 factors that changed aggregate demand (AD) during the stock crash. 

What is Consumers and Investors?


How did culture change during the "New Deal".  

What is Government increase of interest in Art, increase of public murals, building of installation and museums?


Name the 3 R's of the "New Deal".

What is 1. Relief 2. Recovery 3. Reform?


How did overseas investors change the aggregate demand in 1929. 

What is there were no overseas buyers/investors or lack of since other countries were not able to invest because of their economic state after WWI?


By how much did "real GDP" decrease from 1929 to 1933.

What is 29%


Define buying on the margin in the 1920's. 

What is loaning 90% of the stock price while putting down 10% of your own?


How did Farmers benefit from the New Deal. 

What is AAA, Governments giving subsidies to farmers to not produce products; allowing farmers to stay on their land and grow their own crops for consumption? 


What is the different between CCC and WPA.

What is CCC provided young men (recent graduates) with jobs in parks, rural areas, mainly outdoor work. WPA provided men of variety of ages with construction jobs, bridges, schools, housing, art installations? 


How did "The Gold Confiscation" profit from overseas buyers. 

What is they (the government) bought the gold from citizens for $20.67 per ounce then sold it overseas for $35 per ounce. Using the profit to support an emergency fund?


Name 2 factors of aggregate demand (AD) that changed because of the "New Deal" and why. 

What is consumers: the "New Deal" restored consumers confidence in the future of the economy.

 investors: the "New Deal" restored investors confidence in the future of the economy, overseas and domestically, as well as other countries economic activity increasing, allowing them to invest overseas? 


Name 3 reasons the stock crash of 1929 occurred. 

What is 1. Lack of repayments of loans 2. Consumer optimism for future economic growth resulting in lack of sellers in stocks 3. Overproduction in big industries?


Name 5 people who did not benefit during the Economic Boom. 

What is Farmers, African Americans, People in rural areas, small business owners, and Native Americans?


Name 6 programmes of the "New Deal".

What is 1. CCC- Civilian Conservation Corps 2. AAA- Agricultural Adjustment Administration 3. WPA- Works Progress Administration 4. TVA- Tennessee Valley Authority 5. NRA- National Recovery Administration 6. NIRA- National Industry Recovery Act?


Name 3 ways World War II changed the US economy. 

What is 1. Provide new types of jobs 2. Create support through alliances 3. No recovery needed afterwards as they weren't in war zone, unlike other countries?


Name 3 successes and non successes of the New Deal.

What is successes: 1. Restored GDP 2. Created more financial security for workers and citizens 3. Reformed the economy (visually: houses, building, roads)

non successes: 1. Did not restore the unemployment rate during the decade 2. Did not create permanent jobs 3. the NRA programme?