The number of presidential terms Franklin Roosevelt served
What is 4?
Nickname given to the New Deal Programs
What is Alphabet Soup Agenices
Roosevelt’s plan to help the U.S. and the people during the Great Depression.
What is The New Deal?
The highest percentage of people were unemployed during The Great Depression.
What was 25%?
People from Oklahoma & other places migrated westward (to California mostly) to survive.
Who were Oakies?
Gave money to states to give to the unemployed.
What is The Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)?
This agency built bridges, planted trees, made parks, etc.
What is the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)?
Famous Woman photographer
Who was Dorothea Lange
Many small banks, gave out too many loans, lost money when people couldn’t pay.
What are Bank Failures?
Supported the arts - actors, artists, writers
What is the WPA (Works Progress Administration)?
Goal was to remake the Tennessee River Valley. Built 49 dams in 7 states -Altered the flow of rivers for flood control & electricity generation
What is the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority)?
One cause of the Dust Bowl
Drought/high winds
Overproduction of crops
Loss of prairie grass due to over-plowing
A group of shacks in which homeless people lived during The Great Depression
What are Hoovervilles or Shantytowns?
Was FDR's wife and was his cousin. She was also his eyes and ears
What is Eleanor Roosevelt
Put 8.5 million people to work creating schools, hospitals, roads, sewer systems, and planted trees.
What is the Works Progress Administration (WPA)?
Farmers paid to not grow certain crops, destroyed surplus crops
What is the AAA (Agriculture Adjustment Act)?
Day the stock market crashed
What was Black Tuesday?
Places that were created to give out free food to people, usually churches.
What is a soup kitchen?
The disease FDR had that took his ability to walk away
What is polio?
Government will ensure your banking up to $2500
What is the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corp)?
People were buying things on credit & couldn’t pay it off when they lost their jobs
What is consumer debt?
Factories made too many products, weren’t selling them, and people got laid off. (looking for one word)
What is overproduction?