France was divided up into this many Departments as part of the reorganisation of the country.

What is 83?


This document, passed into law on 12th July 1790, reorganised the Catholic Church.

What is the Civil Constitution of the Clergy?


King Louis XVI attempted to flee the country in June 1791, but was recognised and caught in this town.

What is Varennes?


King Louis XVI used this power to block news laws from being passed.

What is veto?


This former revolutionary hero defected to the Austrians on 17th August 1792.

Who is the Marquis de Lafayette?

This machine, proposed by a doctor in the National Assembly, was adopted as France's method of execution, intending to ensure equality of justice.

What is the guillotine?


These members of the clergy refused to take the Clerical Oath, setting themselves up as enemies of the revolution.

What are refractory (non-juring) clergy?


Working women forced the royal family to take up residence in their Paris palace (Tuileries) during this event in 1789.

What is the Women's March to Versailles (October Days)?


The Legislative Assembly attempted to channel the energy of the popular movements into the war effort by declaring this on 11 July 1792.

What is La Patrie En Danger (the fatherland is in danger)?


In 1792, this leader of the Jacobin Club called for the overthrow of the monarchy and elections for a new National Convention by universal male suffrage.

Who is Maximilien Robespierre?


This document described human rights as defined by the Enlightenment and was adopted on the 26th August 1789.

What is DORMAC (Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen)?


King Louis XVI, a pious man, withdrew his support for the Church reforms after this man condemned them.

Who is Pope Pius VI?


50 people were killed at this gathering presenting a petition for the deposition of the King on 17th July 1791.

What is the Champ de Mars massacre?


Sometimes described as France's "second revolution", this event on 10th August 1792 led to the proclamation of the first French Republic.

What is the storming of the Tuileries (overthrow of the monarchy)?


This man became Minister for Justice and used his power and influence to direct the war effort.

Who is Georges-Jacques Danton?


This principle of reform counter-balanced the powerful central government with a network of local governments in the provinces.

What is decentralisation?


This many parish priests were viciously murdered in the September massacres.

What is 240?


The signing of the document changed King Louis XVI's title from "King of France" to "King of the French".

What is the Constitution of 1791?


This woman, friend and lady-in-waiting to Marie Antoinette, was murdered during the September Massacres.

Who is the Princesse de Lamballe?


This radical journalist sparked the September massacres when he encouraged people to “Let the blood of traitors flow.  That is the only way to save the country.” 

Who is Jean-Paul Marat?


This historian said "Was, then, the revolution worth it in material terms? For most ordinary French subjects turned by it into citizens, it cannot have been."

Who is William Doyle?


This historian said "The oath to the Civil Constitution is rightly considered one of the great crises of the revolution..."

Who is D.M.G. Sutherland?


This event celebrated the one year anniversary of the Fall of the Bastille, but rain prevented everyone seeing the King swear his oath of loyalty to the new government.

What is the Festival of Federation?


This historian said "By early 1792, such was the combination of anxiety, exhilaration and fear pervading the [Legislative] Assembly that most deputies convinced themselves that the rulers of Austria and Prussia...were engaged in naked aggression toward the revolution."

Who is Peter McPhee?


This man's manifesto unwittingly endangered the royal family when it declared the subjects of Paris would be subjected to "military execution" if its terms were not complied with.

Who is the Duke of Brunswick?