People/Groups Who Shaped the New South I
People/Groups Who Shaped the New South II
Rights Denied to African Americans in the New South
Roles of Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, & Alonzo Herndon
Antisemitism & The Leo Frank Case

Who was the person that promoted and coined the phrase "The New South"

Henry Grady


Which of the following would Henry Grady support? A. Southerner growing more cotton for export B. Northern investment in southern industry

B. Northern investment in southern industry


What were Jim Crow laws designed to do?

Deny citizenship rights to African-Americans; Create segregation.

Who was president of the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama?
Booker T. Washington

Who was the northern businessman who came to Atlanta, Georgia to manage the National Pencil Company? What was his religion?

Leo Frank; he was Jewish

Who led Georgia farmers in the Populist Party?
Thomas (Tom) Watson

What was the name of the African-American man who thought blacks would gain equality by focusing on education and job skills?

Booker T. Washington


What does the term "disenfranchisement" mean?

Loss of voting rights

Which civil rights leader did not believe in a slow approach for blacks to achieve social and political equality?

W.E.B. DuBois


Name one reason why Georgia citizens wanted Leo Frank to be found guilty.

-He was from the North

-He was Jewish

-Eyewitness testimony 



Which African-American man said black people should fight for equality now?

WEB Dubois


Tom Watson's greatest achievement in Congress was the RFD bill. What does RFD stand for and what did it do?

Rural Free Delivery - a bill that required the federal government to deliver mail to rural areas


What action became legal as a result of the Plessy v. Ferguson ruling?

- Segregation - "Separate but equal" facilities were legal and the norm in the South


What was Booker T Washington's belief about how blacks should try to gain equality?

He believed that blacks should pursue education and learn a skill in order to work their way up to social equality.

What is antisemitism?
Hostility, prejudice, or discrimination against Jews

What was the main purpose of International Cotton Exposition?

- To showcase the industries of the New South - Created to show the economic recovery and potential of the South after Reconstruction - Tried to get businessmen to invest money in Georgia by building factories


What political group was made up of farmers that worked together to solve problems that affected farmers?

The Populists

Name 3 ways that blacks were disenfranchised

-Literacy tests

-Poll tax

-Grandfather clause

-White primary


Why is Alonzo Herndon an example of a "rags to riches" story?

Because he was born to a slave mother and was a sharecropper, and later on opened his own business and started a successful life insurance company. He died a millionaire.


As a result of the Leo Frank case, the Knights of Mary Phagan later reemerged as what group?

The KKK (Ku Klux Klan) - many Southern whites hated those different than them - (hated Afr. Am., but also Jews, Catholics, & immigrants)


What does the term "New South" mean?

- A South that would develop industry/manufacturing like the North (moving away from farming as the main way to make a living) - A South that would develop new ways/diversity in agriculture - A South that call for Northern investors to help pay for the South's changes in industry and agriculture


What were two accomplishments or common interests of the Bourbon Triumvirate?

-developing the railroad and mining industries in Georgia, serving the interests of those men who were part of the old antebellum planter class, low taxes

-Being white supremacists

-Supporting the convict lease system


What was the cause of the Atlanta Race Riot of 1906?

Atlanta newspapers printing false stories of black violence against whites


What organization was founded by WEB DuBois? What does the acronym stand for?

NAACP- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People


After the Governor of Georgia commuted Leo's sentence to life in prison, how did the citizens in Georgia react?

Took him out of jail and lynched him