This is the name of the longest river in the world.
Nile River
This large reptile, with sharp teeth, lives in the Nile River.
The people of Ancient Egypt used the Nile for this type of travel.
Boat travel or transportation
The Nile flows in this direction, which is the opposite of most rivers.
The Nile River is located on this continent.
This long, slithering animal can be found near the Nile.
Ancient Egyptians built these structures to honor their kings, thanks to the resources from the Nile.
The Nile River is over this many miles long.
4,000 miles
The ancient Egyptians used the Nile River for this important activity to grow food.
These birds with long legs and long necks often fish in the Nile’s waters.
Herons or storks
The Nile’s yearly floods helped people grow this important crop, used to make bread.
The Nile River has two main parts, the White Nile and this other Nile.
The Blue Nile
The Nile River flows into this large body of water.
The Mediterranean Sea
This large animal, known for spending time in the water, is found in the Nile.
The ancient Egyptians used this type of plant from the Nile to make paper.
The name “Nile” comes from a word that means this in Greek.
The Nile River helped this ancient civilization build pyramids and grow their cities.
Ancient Egypt
This type of fish, often found in the Nile, is known for its whisker-like barbels.
The Nile River helps farmers grow crops because it leaves behind this rich soil.
This large desert surrounds much of the Nile River
Sahara Desert