Vocabulary 1
Vocabulary 2
Vocabulary 3
Character Traits/Inferences
Friendly and pleasant (Voracity, Amiable, Lucid) 100
What is amiable?
Having the ability to speak fluently and persuasively; vividly expressive. (Eloquent, Misanthropy, Supposition) 100
What is eloquent?
Lacking order, connection, or harmony; unable to think or speak clearly or consecutively. (Insuperable, Morose, Incoherent) 100
What is incoherent?
Which character trait best describes the narrator? (sincere, nosey, thoughtful) 100
What is nosey?
To whom was the oblong box addressed? (The narrator, Captain Hardy, Mr. Wyatt's mother) 100
What is Mr. Wyatt's mother?
Not determined; not able to be determined; unclear or vague. (Indeterminate, Temperament, Perseverance) 200
What is indeterminate?
A state of excessive drowsiness or abnormally deep sleep; laziness. (Amiable, Pervaded, Lethargy) 200
What is lethargy?
Easily understood; mentally clear and concise; rational; shining. (Morose, Lucid, Temperament) 200
What is lucid?
Whom does the following passage describe: "He had the ordinary temperament of genius, and was a compound of misanthropy, sensibility, and enthusiasm?" (Mr. Wyatt, Narrator, Captain Hardy) 200
What is Mr. Wyatt?
Which event happens first in the story? (Mr. Wyatt ties the three-inch rope around himself and the oblong box, The narrator meets Mrs. Wyatt and decides she is plain-looking, Mrs. Wyatt socializes with the women and flirts with the men on the ship, Mr. Wyatt laughs hysterically and falls heavily upon the deck) 200
What is the narrator meets Mrs. Wyatt and decides she is plain-looking?
The state of someone who hates mankind? (Misanthropy, Eloquent, Trifles) 300
What is misanthropy?
Having a sullen disposition; marked by gloom. (Indeterminate, Lucid, Morose) 300
What is morose?
Personality; a characteristic way of thinking, reacting, or behaving. (Incoherent, Insuperable, Temperament) 300
What is temperament?
Use context clues to determine the meaning of the phrase "to steal a march upon me" in the following passage: "It was the first time I had ever known Wyatt to keep from me any of his artistical secrets; but here he evidently intended to steal a march upon me, and smuggle a fine picture to New York, under my very nose; expecting me to know nothing of the matter." (to briskly walk in front of me, to sneak something past me, to copy my artwork) 300
What is to sneak something past me?
What event happens last in the story? (Mr. Wyatt ties the three-inch rope around himself and the oblong box, The narrator meets Mrs. Wyatt and decides she is plain-looking, Mrs. Wyatt socializes with the women and flirts with the men on the ship, Mr. Wyatt laughs hysterically and falls heavily upon the deck) 300
What is Mr. Wyatt ties the three-inch rope around himself and the oblong box?
Something of little value or importance. (Perseverance, Trifles, Temperament) 400
What is trifles?
The state of persisting in any purpose or idea; to strive in spite of difficulties or obstacles. (Eloquent, Perseverance, Voracity) 400
What is perseverance?
To spread through every part of something; to permeate. (Pervaded, Indeterminate, Lethargy) 400
What is pervaded?
What can you infer happens in Mr. Wyatt's room late at night? (Mr. Wyatt sobs because his "Last Supper" painting was ruined by the salt in the box, Mr. Wyatt groans and cries as he creates new artwork in private, Mr. Wyatt weeps over his dead wife's body) 400
What is Mr. Wyatt weeps over his dead wife's body?
Which event happens second in the story? (Mr. Wyatt ties the three-inch rope around himself and the oblong box, The narrator meets Mrs. Wyatt and decides she is plain-looking, Mrs. Wyatt socializes with the women and flirts with the men on the ship, Mr. Wyatt laughs hysterically and falls heavily upon the deck) 400
What is Mrs. Wyatt socializes with the women and flirts with the men on the ship?
Something that is supposed or guessed; a hypotheses. (Eloquent, Supposition, Misanthropy) 500
What is supposition?
Insurmountable; not able to overcome. (Insuperable, Pervaded, Eloquent) 500
What is insuperable?
The state of having a large appetite; insatiable. (Amiable, Lethargy, Voracity) 500
What is voracity?
What does Mr. Wyatt implore Captain Hardy to do? (Let him steer the ship during the hurricane, return to the sinking ship to retrieve the oblong box, hide his "Last Supper" replica painting in an extra state-room) 500
What is return to the sinking ship to retrieve the oblong box?
Which event happens third in the story? (Mr. Wyatt ties the three-inch rope around himself and the oblong box, The narrator meets Mrs. Wyatt and decides she is plain-looking, Mrs. Wyatt socializes with the women and flirts with the men on the ship, Mr. Wyatt laughs hysterically and falls heavily upon the deck) 500
What is Mr. Wyatt laughs hysterically and falls heavily upon the deck?