What was Odysseus' reaction to Broadsea's insult? How does this characterize him?
Homer indirectly characterizes Odysseus as confident and always ready to win. He is not interested in insults towards him. His need of power is who he is and his pride was more important than his exhaustion and he was determined to beat Broadsea.
Why does Alcinous call an assembly into order?
They will be talking of their new visitor, Odysseus.
What do Odysseus' tears represent?
His tears represent his sadness and grief over the Trojan War. His tears are also a symbol for his weaknesses. He still is only human and his tears are a sense of reality.
Name another example of alikeness between Telemachus and Odysseus in this book.
King Alcinous notices that the share the same tears. (crying)
What does Broadsea say to Odysseus? How does this characterize him?
Broadsea insults Odysseus for not participating in the events. This makes Broadsea a competitive, hard-headed character. This also makes a character connection between him and Odysseus. They both make their image their priority and all they care about is winning and being the strongest man. Almost as if they are competing to be a god-like figure.
Where did the games take place?
In Pheacia.
Odysseus' winning of the games symbolizes what?
This symbolizes Odysseus' journey and his strong, warrior-like qualities. This also represents that his hard trip home is going to throw many challenges at him, but he will in the end overcome them and "win" or happily get home to his family.
Through this celebration, what feeling did Odysseus get from the Phaecians.
Odysseus received a feeling of sadness due to the constant upbringings of the war. They constantly sing songs from the war and this was such a horrifying experience that has emotionally scared him and it is almost a representation of a weakness.
How does the gift giving to Odysseus characterize Alcinous?
It characterizes him as a noble, well-liked, and caring host. It also reveals his passion for Odysseus to succeed. It shows that he is also smart for treating such a well-respected man with honor to have a good opinion about his city and indirectly gives him a genuinely kind characteristic.
At what point does King Alcinous realize the identity of Odysseus? How does he find out?
King Alcinous sees Odysseus' identity when he starts weeping at dinner. Alcinous then demands for Odysseus to tell everyone who he is, where he is from, and where he is going.
What does the act of Odysseus declining the first offer to join the games symbolize?
It symbolizes that even though Odysseus may look, talk, and act like a god, he is still only human.
What big piece of Odysseus do we learn in this chapter during the discus.
Odysseus shows off his strength to the other competitors during the discus.
What was Odysseus' excuse to the 1st offer to join the games? How does this characterize him?
Odysseus said that he was suffering from exhaustion. This says that he is mortal just like every one else, and he is obviously in a tough spot. Odysseus believes he is so much more mighty than everyone and him turning down Broadsea's first offer is just a reminder that he isn't a god and is only human too.
What was the song that began King Alciniou's celebration? What was Odysseus's reaction?
The song of the fight between Achilles and Odysseus plays. Odysseus is saddened from his memories of the events that took place at this time in Troy. Odysseus reacts and begins weeping. His crying is soon recognized by King Alcinous and is what causes Alcinous to demand for him identity.
What does the story of Hephaestus and Ares symbolize.
it is somewhat a symbol of Odysseus. Someone who is outwitting the strong.
What was the reasoning of the games?
The games were Alcinous' way of showing Odysseus how great the Phaecians are. They strive to show the strength of Phaecia and to come across as wealthy and civilized to Odysseus.
When Odysseus compliments Alcious' dancers, how does this characterize him?
It shows his self-restraint and that he can act appropriately at all times. Odysseus knows that King Alcinous is a very high class man and he can't ruin the hospitality that he's receiving. Odysseus is very smart and knows the right times to act mature and keep his arrogant quality hidden away.
What are the 4 games played at the celebration.
footrace, wrestling, jumping, and discus-throwing
What do the gold chains represent?
They represent the power of ones mind.
How many men does Alcinous ask to transport Odysseus home?
52 men