A goddess and enchantress who changes men into
Who is Circe?
a Greek hero famed for his intellect and cunning. He created the plan to sack the city of Troy using a giant hollow horse. He is also famous for his long odyssey, or journey, trying to return home after the events of the Trojan War.
What was used to defeat the Trojans?
What is a horse?
These people take over Ithaca and refuse to leave until Penelope marries one of them. What are they called?
Who are "the suitors"
This is a word used to describe a character who has exaggerated pride or self-confidence.
What is hubris?
Messenger of the gods
Who is Hermes?
Character who weaves a burial shroud by day and takes it apart by night; a wife.
Who is Penelope?
This is rolled into a party of the Gods and they are forced to choose the most "beautiful woman in the world".
What is an apple?
The island of Ogygia is where Odysseus was held captive for more than seven years. It's ruled by the beautiful sea nymph named...
This is a word used to describe an ancient Greek concept of hospitality. It is almost always translated as 'guest-friendship' or 'ritualized friendship'.
Goddess of war and wisdom
Who is Athena?
Odysseus’ son
Who is Telemachus?
A hero of the Trojan War who was known as being the greatest of all the Greek warriors; referring to your heel
Who is achilles?
When Odysseus and his men visit the Underworld, Odysseus sees someone from his life has passed away while he was at war. Who am i?
Who is Odysseus' mother?
The three most important themes in the Odyssey are...
God of music, poetry, prophecy and medicine
Who is Apollo?
Son of Poseidon; one-eyed giant
Who is Polyphemus?
He was the King of Sparta; his wife started the Trojan War by running away to Troy with Paris
Who is Menelaus?
This God or Goddess takes a special interest in Odysseus throughout the novel and looks out for him. This God or Goddess even fights with Ithaca at the end of the novel.
Who is Athena?
A character who contrasts with another character, typically, a character who contrasts with the protagonist, in order to better highlight or differentiate certain qualities of the protagonist.
What is a character foil?
God of the sea, earthquakes, and horses
Who is Poseidon?
Who is the father of Odysseus?
I started the Trojan War by running away to Troy with Paris.
Who is Helen OR Who is Helen of Troy?
What happens as a result of Odysseus’ men feasting on the cattle that belong to Helios?
What is... they all die
This is a phrase that means "into the middle of a narrative". The Odyssey starts...
What is "in medias res".