"The Office"
The "Office"
What is "The Office?"
"The" "Office"
"The" "Office"

Where does Michael Scott move to start his new life with Holly?

Boulder, CO


Which Ancient Civilization invented the scissors?

The Egyptians! In 1500 BCE


Where is PEPS located? 

The Basement of Weitz


How many NON-CARLETON programs are you allowed to apply your financial aid to?



Q: How often does the courier run between Carleton and St. Olaf to bring books requested from the other library?

Twice a day (on weekdays, no delivery on weekends)


Which Grammy nominee played Andy's brother Walter?

Josh Groban

Who was the first world leader to use a stapler?

King Louis XV


Will PEPS fix your laptop?

No! ITS!


Which percentage of highlighters sold are yellow?

85% of highlighters sold are yellow.


Working in partnership with Disability Services, and holding office hours at the Writing Center in the libe, what team of students can help you learn about technologies that are available to help students with some form of learning disability?

The AzTechs, or Assistive Technologists, a part of the ITS Helpdesk: go.carleton.edu/aztech


What was the name of Jan Levinson's assistant at corporate?




Which writing instrument was first used in space?

The pencil! 

What does the CCCE stand for and what do they do?

The CCCE stands for the Center for Community and Civic Engagement. The CCCE provides and coordinates opportunities for Carleton students to get involved with their community locally, globally, and nationally, by creating reciprocal partnerships with community members and grounding their work in reflection and analysis.


What service does the circulation desk NOT provide:

a.Lost and found

b.Pick up for requested InterLibrary Loan and St. Olaf materials

c.Paying for photocopies

d.Checking out and returning library materials

A: c (use your OneCard to pay for photocopies)


Where is the Office of Off-Campus Studies located?

Basement Leighton


Who won "Hottest in the Office" at Michael's last Dundies?

Danny Cordray 


How can you revive an old permanent marker? 

Revive old permanent markers with alcohol! Just soak the marker in a little bit of rubbing alcohol until you see ink start to leak out. Then, put the cap back on and allow the marker to dry for 15 minutes before use. (Revive regular markers the same way by using water instead of alcohol.)


What is the difference between a CCCE program and a club?

Clubs generally gather students on campus with a common interest to discuss or engage in that interest, or work on campus with their interest. CCCE programs are directly engaged with community partners, and have action components in the local community, combined with thoughtful analysis and reflection.


The office staff takes on the warehouse workers in a basketball game. Who ends up winning the game?

The warehouse! (Sorry, Jim :(    )


What are some examples of communities that the CCCE works with?

The CCCE works in partnerships with about every community imaginable in the area. We have programs at a number of local schools, from the elementary to high school levels, partner with Northfield’s sizable Latino population and growing low-income community, work with communities in the neighboring town of Faribault that is demographically-comparable to major metropolitan areas across the country, connect students with refugee populations both locally and across seas, run programming with elderly populations, youth, and women’s transitional housing, form mentoring partnerships that address difference in ability, and connect students with local farms and environmental activists. Don’t see what you’re looking for on this list? Trust us, there’s more


Schrute boys must learn how many rules before the age of 5?


(extra points for singing the song)


Why are pencils yellow?

Pencils first began production in the United States in Massachusetts in 1812. It wasn't until 1890, however, that the modern, mass-produced pencil began to take shape. At the time, the highest quality graphite—the component in pencils that allows them to write—was produced solely by Chinese mines. To signal to their customers that they only used the highest grade materials, pencil-making companies began painting their pencils yellow—the color of royalty and respect in traditional Chinese culture. After that, the color just stuck.


Which of these library collections is not shelved on the 4th floor:

a.DVD collection 

b.Print journals and periodicals

c.Reference book collection

d.Children’s book collection

b (print journals and periodicals are shelved on the third floor)


Implemented on campus to help manage runaway print volume, our print management system“Papercut” includes a printing quota for Carleton students. How many single-sided, black & white pages can be printed from this annual quota

2,400 pages ($0.04 per single-sided, black & white page.) 2,742 pages if printed double-sided.


Number of Carleton-run programs offered the year (2017-2018)? 
