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Animal Facts
What does Ivan look like? What page contains his description? (Hint) It is in the first five pages.
page 4 a gorilla's gaze and smile Silverback majestic 400 lbs looks ready for battle
Who is the owner of the Big Top Mall?
True or False? Ivan is a real Gorilla. What paragraph contains this information?
True. paragraph 5
Define domain. Where is Ivan's domain? (Hint: The name of the building) What is his location in the mall?
A place where someone or something lives. The Big Top Mall In the middle or center
Why doesn't Ivan think about the past or the future?
The past is too sad. He had bad experiences he doesn't want to remember. He doesn't think anything will change.
Describe Ivan's domain. Hint: Between pages 6-10
Page 7 thick glass, rusty metal, rough cement. 3 glass walls, one is cracked 1 cement wall painted with a jungle scene
What is Ivan's special talent? Who else shares this talent?
Julia Stella Ruby
What kind of gorilla is Ivan? What paragraph contains this information about specifically about Ivan?
Ivan is a Silverback gorilla. Paragraph 4 or 5 (back of page)
Define stooped and give three examples of why a person would need to stoop. (Hint: look at the example on page 43)
To bend over Elderly person (old) Sick person To pick something up from the ground Exercise
Why do you think Bob is prejudiced against humans?
Because humans killed his family and hurt him.
Who is Bob and where was he before he came to the Big Top Mall? What page contains this information? (Hint: between pages 30-35)
page: 35 On the side of the highway or by the dumpsters.
Why is Ivan's artwork important to Mack?
Mack sells Ivan's art to make money.
True or False? Elephants are the largest species of animal that live on land. What paragraph contains this information?
True. Paragraph 1

On pages 44-46, it says, "I am a majestic fellow in her pictures, with my silver back gleaming..." 

regal or impressive beauty

How do you think Ivan feels about Julia and why? Use the information on page 16 to help you.
He likes her because she taught him to draw. She keeps him company, they have things in common.
Where does Bob like to sleep? What page contains this information? (Hint: between pages 35-40)
page 36 On Ivan's stomach.
Who is Julia?
The custodian's daughter.
What do you call a group of gorillas? What paragraph contains this information?
A troop Paragraph 2
On page 36, it says " I'd seen rats zip past and the occasional wayward sparrow (bird) had flown in through a hole in my ceiling." What does wayward mean?
Not going or moving in the right direction Lost
Why might Stella not want another elephant to join the group?
She is afraid she will be replaced.
What is incorrect about the billboard at Exit 8? (Hint: Between pages 5-10)
Page 9 The billboard portrays (shows) Ivan looking angry, but he is never angry.
How does Ivan look in Julia's pictures?
Majestic or sad
Where is Ruby's zoo located before she comes to the Big Top Mall?
The Phoenix Zoo in Phoenix, Arizona
Define clutch and provide 3 examples of something you would clutch.
To hold on tight to something. Wallet Ball A child's hand purse cellphone
Is Mack a good zookeeper? Why or why not? Provide evidence from the text.
Yes or No as long as you have evidence.