What is the most popular wedding destination for US couples?
Las Vegas
Our queen, Rachel McCarville!!!!
If Rachel was an animal, what does Karim think she'd be?
"Obrigado" means?
Thank you
What is the average age in Palm Springs?
57.8 years old
What is the most popular month to get married?
"I love shopping, tanning and celebrity gossip. Always have, always will"
Karim's favourite pet peeve about Rachel?
Famous Portugese egg tart
Pasteis de Nata
What type of shirt do Trader Joe's employees wear?
Hawaiian/floral shirts
The longest marriage on record?
84 years!! Zelmyra and Herbert Fisher broke the Guinness world record for the longest marriage.
The only cast member on this popular show to kiss all of the main characters. Hint: She dated one of them in real life.
Rachel GREEN!
Karim's favourite Rachel meltdown?
Cristiano Ronaldo
Where does the name "Pickle Ball" come from?
The name "pickleball" is said to have come from Joan Pritchard, Joel Pritchard's wife, who likened the game to a "pickle boat" in rowing, a crew boat made of leftover oarsmen.
While the story about the dog "Pickles" being named after the game is a common misconception, the Pritchards' family dog, named "Pickles," came along after the game was already named.
Cost of the most expensive wedding dress?
$12.2 million dollars. Designed by Martin Katz and Renee Strauss, it had 150 carats of diamonds.
Where does Karim think Rachel and Rim's first kiss was?
Portugal has the biggest wave ever surfed! In 2011 Garret McNamara surfed a _____ ft wave.
90 feet!!!
What does Karim think Rachel's biggest pet peeve about him is? Hint: this is in Karim's eyes
Traditionally, what do couples save from their wedding to enjoy on their first anniversary?
Top tier of the wedding cake.
Formally, Raquel, she is known for being part of the scandal of the century. Currently, she is focusing on wellness and romantically involved with a rocket scientist.
Rachel LEVISS.
Karim's favourite getaway with Rachel?
This Portugal city hosts the largest Santa Claus parade in the world. It's attended by +14,900.
According to Google, what is considered the busiest Cactus Club in Canada?
Calgary's Barlow Trail - Thanks to our very own, Rachel for drawing the crowds in YEARS!!