What was Stephen Crane's inspiration for "The Open Boat?"
He was involved in a shipwreck.
Who are the four men stranded on the dingy in the middle of the ocean?
The captain, cook, correspondant, and oiler
Who are the only two men to row the lifeboat?
The correspondant and oiler, Billie
What part of the boat is the stern?
The back
What is the definition of camaraderie?
A spirit of trust and goodwill among people closely associated in an activity or endeavor
True or false? Crane was the captain on the ship.
Who dies at the end of the story?
Billie (the oiler)
Who was the injured man in the boat?
The captain
What part of the boat is the bow?
What is the definition of desolate?
barren or laid waste; devastated; bleak
What boat was Crane on that sank off the coast of Florida on the way to Cuba?
S.S. Commodore
What is the animal the correspondant sees in the middle of the night when he thinks the other men were sleeping?
A shark
Who's job was it to remove the water from inside the boat so they don't sink?
The cook
What is a dingy?
A small boat
What is the definition of impious?
not pious or religious; lacking reverence for God, religious practices, etc.; irreligious; ungodly.
In what war was Crane a war correspondant?
Spanish-American War
The story explores this literary movement, which emphasizes nature’s indifference to human struggle.
Who was the only man who tied a life-belt around his waist?
The cook
What is the popular saying about a captain and his ship?
A captain goes down with their ship
What is the definition of haggard?
Having a gaunt, wasted, or exhausted appearance, as from prolonged suffering, exertion, or anxiety; worn
When did the S.S. Commodore shipwreck?
New Years
What animal does the narrator compare the dingy to?
Which character says: "Don't spend yourselves. If we have to run a surf you'll need all your strength, because we'll sure have to swim for it. Take your time."
The captain
What is the definition of gunwale?
The upper edge of the boat separating the men and the water
What is the definition of contritely?
remorseful, ashamed, sorry, apologetic