What is Militarism?
Wrote Mein Kampf while in prison
Who is Adolf Hitler?
West of Poland
What is Germany?
Extreme Nationalism
What is Fascism?
Attitude + Effort =
What is outcome?
What are Alliances?
Pledged to return his country to the glories of the Roman Empire
Who is Benito Mussolini?
East of Poland
What is the Soviet Union?
Giving into unjust demands in order to avoid conflict
What is appeasement?
Whether you think you can or can't, you're this
What is right?
What is Imperialism?
Used Five-Year Plans to industrialize his country
Who is Joseph Stalin?
East of Norway
What is Sweden?
What is unification?
Mr. VanMetre's middle name
What is Dudley?
What is Nationalism?
Communist leader who started the Russian Revolution
Who is Vladimir Lenin?
West of Hungary
What is Austria?
"Lightning War"
What is Blitzkrieg?
Name of the German air force
What is the Luftwaffe?
Found in every human heart.
What is sin?
Military leader who took control of Japan in 1941
Who is Hideki Tojo?
North of Albania
What is Yugoslavia?
Communist farm created from many previously private farms
What is a "collective"?
British Prime Minister who declared that appeasement brought peace
Who was Neville Chamberlain?