This is given to parishioners as they depart church, and also knows as "instead of gifts"
What is antidoron
The Orthodox Liturgy is divided into how many parts?
What is 3
During which entrance do the altar boys carry fans, lights, incense and the processional cross?
What is the Great entrance
What is the Holy Plate or disk called in Greek?
What is "Diskos"
During this entrance, the Priest is carrying the Gospel and only remains on the Solea?
What is the Little Entrance
What does the priest place over the Holy Bread?
What is Asterisk?
In which section do we hear the Holy Gospel and Epistle readings for the day?
What is the second part
What is the Consecration
The Holy Cup is also called what?
What is "Potirion"
What is the third section
The Orthodox Divine Liturgy represents this individual's life
Who is Jesus Christ
This is a large rectangular garment that the priest wears over his shoulders and is used to cover the potirion
What is "aer"
Which of the following is recited first, the Lord's Prayer or the Nicene Creed?
What is The Nicene Creed
Which of the Three Hierarchs wrote the Divine Liturgy that we hear every Sunday?
Who is St. John the Baptist