Characters & Plot
Literary Elements
Vocab. & Symbolism
Characters & Plot II

Why does everybody in the gang like Johnny?

He is like a lost puppy that has been kicked too many times. He's the gang's pet.


Is the following:  "After Johnny killed Bob, he and Ponyboy went and hid in an abandoned church" an example of theme or plot?



What does "the cooler" mean?



What is Two-Bit's most prized possession?

His switchblade.


Where did Dally live before moving to Ponyboy's town?

New York


Why can't Dally accept Johnny's death?

Johnny was the only thing Dally loved.


What is a theme of the book? (hint: there is more than one right answer!)

* You shouldn't judge others by outward appearances

* Family is made up of those who love you

* Deep down, everyone is the same, with problems and joys of their own

* There is good in the world despite the violence


Define gallant.

Brave, nobel. Willing to face certain death for a cause.


Why does Sandy move to Florida?

She is pregnant


What is "Stay Gold" a reference to? (Where did it originate?)

A Robert Frost poem that Ponyboy recites when he and Johnny are hiding in the church.


What does Ponyboy come to realize about Darry by the end of the story?

He realizes that Darry is only hard on him because he loves him and is afraid of losing him.


"Darry is six-feet-two, and broad-shouldered and muscular" is an example of what kind of characterization?

Direct characterization


This symbol represents that the Greasers and the Socs are from the same world.



Why does Pony watch movies alone?

When he watches movies with others, he feels uncomfortable and nobody digs them like he does.


Explain the meaning of "Stay gold". 

Stay innocent/pure/loving. Don't let yourself be corrupted or hardened.


What does Ponyboy come to realize about the Socs by the end of the story?

He realizes that they have troubles too and that fighting them does no good.


How is the following dialogue an example of irony?

"Leave her alone, Dally."                                        "Huh?" Dally was taken off guard. He stared at Johnny in disbelief. Johnny couldn't say "Boo" to a goose.

It is irony because Johnny's speaking out against Dally is the opposite of what the reader expects him to do.


This is a symbol representing a Greaser's identity and pride

Long, greased hair


How does Darry know Paul Holden, his first opponent at the rumble?

They used to be buddies and played football together.


How does Johnny feel/act toward Dally?

He idolizes him.


What does Ponyboy come to realize about Sodapop by the end of the story?

He realizes that Soda is dealing with problems of his own and that his and Darry's constant arguing is tearing Soda apart.


Give an example of external conflict in The Outsiders.

Answers will vary. Examples: Socs and Greasers fighting, Ponyboy and Darry fighting


Ponyboy mentions eye color a lot (Cherry's dreamy green eyes, Darry's icy blue eyes); what does eye color symbolize in The Outsiders?

The character's personality 

(Green = the eye color of the "outsiders" Cherry and Ponyboy; icy blue = the cold, mean personality of Darry, according to Ponyboy at the beginning of the story.)


What caused Johnny to decide to come home and turn himself in?

Johnny wants to turn himself in because it isn't fair for Sodapop and Darry to be worrying about Ponyboy. Plus, both boys are tired of living in hiding.


What is Sodapop's horse's name?

Mickey Mouse