Figurative Language
Literary Elements
Context Clues

"I just stood there like a bump on a log while they surrounded me."

What is simile.


The part of the plot where we meet Ponyboy and he describes each of the Greasers.

What is exposition


Characterize Cherry based on this quote:

JOHNNY GAGGED AND I almost dropped my hot fudge sundae. "Cherry?" we both said at the same time. "The Soc?" "Yeah," Dally said. "She came over to the vacant lot the night Two-Bit was jumped. Shepard and some of his outfit and us were hanging around there when she drives up in her little ol' Sting Ray.

A. Stuck up   B. Bossy  C. Rich  D. Brave

What is D, brave.


"He dug Hank Williams--- how gross can you get?"

What is allusion.


I WALKED DOWN THE hall in a daze. Dally had taken the car and I started the long walk home in a stupor.

a) stupid

b) daze

c)  jog

What is daze.

"Life was one big joke to Two-bit."

What is metaphor.


The part of the plot where Johnny kills Bob.

What is the climax.


Characterize Two-Bit based on this quote:

JOHNNY GAGGED AND I almost dropped my hot fudge sundae. "Cherry?" we both said at the same time. "The Soc?" "Yeah," Dally said. "She came over to the vacant lot the night Two-Bit was jumped. Shepard and some of his outfit and us were hanging around there when she drives up in her little ol' Sting Ray. That took a lot of nerve. Some of us was for jumping her then and there, her bein' the dead kid's girl and all, but Two-Bit stopped us.

A. dead  B. funny  C. honorable  

What is C, honorable.


, “...this church gave me a kind of creepy feeling. What do you call it? Premonition?”

What is foreshadowing.


I remembered his voice: I been carryin' a heater. It ain't loaded, but it sure does hold a bluff.

a) cliff

b) direct

c) trick

What is trick.


"There was a silent moment when everything held its breath."

What is personification.


The part of the plot were Ponyboy decides to write his story.

What is the resolution.


Characterize Soda based on this quote:

"Yeah," I said. "Darry always got the most ducks, though. Him and Dad. Soda and I goofed around too much, scared most of our game away." I couldn't tell Dally that I hated to shoot things. He'd think I was soft.

A. unfocused  B. serious  C. soft   D. irritated

What is A, unfocused.


"The sky was lighter in the east, and the horizon was a thin golden line. The clouds changed from gray to pink, and the mist was touched with gold."

What is imagery.


Soda looked back at him indignantly. "You'd think I was going to challenge him to a track meet or something right off the bat."

a) with annoyance

b) without dignity

c) with defiance

What is with annoyance.


Two-Bit's dancing gray eyes were stormy.

What is personification.


The part of the plot where Pony falls asleep in the park.

What is the rising action.


Characterize Johnny based on this quote:

 "You sure you want to go back? Us greasers get it worse than anyone else." Johnny nodded. "I'm sure. It ain't fair for Ponyboy to have to stay up in that church with Darry and Soda worryin' about him all the time.

A. worried  B. fair   C. unselfish  D. insecure

What is C, unselfish


"They moved in a circle under the light, counterclockwise, eyeing each other, sizing each other up"

What is conflict.

What is man v. man.


One day I started flipping through one of Soda's old yearbooks and came across a picture that seemed vaguely familiar.

a) absent-mindedly

b) slightly

c) not specifically

What is slightly.


"Johnny was scared of his own shadow."

What is hyperbole.


The part of the plot were the Socs confront the Greasers for being with their girls.

What is rising action.


Characterize Dally based on this quote:

Johnny kept his mouth shut too much to get into arguments, and nobody ever fought with Johnny. I kept my mouth shut; too. But Dally was a different matter. If something beefed him, he didn't keep quiet about it, and if you rubbed him the wrong way--- look out. Not even Darry wanted to tangle with him. He was dangerous.

What is Dally dangerous.

Direct Characterization.


Labels and appearances show nothing about one's true self.

What is theme.


But schoolwork's not the point. You're living in a vacuum, Pony, and you're going to have to cut it out. Johnny and Dallas were our buddies, too, but you don't just stop living because you lose someone. I thought you knew that by now. You don't quit!

a) a space without matter

b) a machine used for cleaning

c) to suck up debris

What is a space without matter.